Cletus Van Damme

It would be devastating for Apple, but I suspect they’d handle the recall a lot more quickly and in a more consumer friendly way. Samsung has just botched this so thoroughly that they’ve probably done irreparable harm to their phone business and the Galaxy brand.

Having “Skrillex” in your Twitter handle seems like something you’d come to regret sooner rather than later. Even if you are Skrillex.

After over seventy years of failing to redress our failings as drivers, what makes you think it’s going to change at this point? Removing humans from the equation seems much more likely to succeed.

Maybe she wasn’t into him because she read some of his work and found out just how attracted he is to the hot take. Or maybe he was hot taking in person. It’s like a disease.

Good job writing the hottest take. I also happen to think the Pixel is an ugly phone and have no intention of buying one despite hoping it would bring something a little more exciting to the table, but I’m not sure how you got from there to saying that it’s time to go with an iPhone.

Twitch is a a cesspool, but unfortunately, there’s not a ton they can do. Given how IP addresses work on cellular networks, IP banning is no longer an effective way to deal with harassment. It’s too blunt a tool.

Choose hurling! Even though it isn’t popular outside of Ireland, it damn well should be.

As someone who has worked in gaming in China, getting Chinese players to actually pay for a game is a real challenge anyway. Part of it is just disposable income, but another part is that piracy is the norm here. I wish more games had Chinese language support, but I think it would be almost impossible to justify given

Sigh. I wish it weren’t hideous.

Oh, no doubt they’re way better! I certainly have no problem with such people. I just don’t completely understand them.

I barely understand such people any better than the right wing religious nuts. If you’re aware enough to realize that discrimination in all forms is wrong, how are you not aware enough to disbelieve a bunch of stories that are on their face ridiculous?

Someone saying “I’m a libertarian” pretty much confirms that I’m speaking to a terrible human being.

Sadly, no. And SFV has taken it to a new, unfortunate level.

Gamergate meetups are a thing? Nice to know that hell is right here on Earth.

Yeah, a place where people think of Jewtuber as an insult seems like a great place to hang out :|

Some how basic respect for all people is just too big of an ask. Gaming culture . . .

Anytime YouTube makes any change to their service, a group of people freaks the fuck out like it’s the end of the world. Then things more or less continue as usual.

Well, good luck finding a Mainland actor who can speak English worth a damn. Hong Kong actors, maybe.

And Huawei could probably get third place just by selling phones in China (not that their business is non-zero outside of China obviously). I suspect if you looked at stats that exclude China, Huawei would likely not even be in the top ten.

Do you really think so? I don’t really see Huawei getting a large market share anyplace outside of China.