Cletus Van Damme

The section about quests read so much like a Josh Strife Hays script (complimentary).

This article does not sound like it was written by someone who is familiar with boxing. But it may have been written by the Fresh Prince. 

I’m sure Supergiant got paid handsomely by Netflix and can't really be mad at them, but this is a pretty consumer unfriendly way to release a game. 

I doubt I’ll be forgiving you for making me read “memberberries” anytime soon.

The website is very good and very wrong. VIII is an interesting mess at best.

He’s a children's entertainer, and frankly he's no Xuxa. 

Big fan of this decision. Development resources are limited; you don’t have unlimited writing and voice acting available. I personally would much rather they use those resources on things other than romance/horniness.

I love these games and the recent RPG turn, but the New Game+ price gating is some nasty shit that makes me not want to buy it on principle. 

I agree with this attitude, but I despair of gamers’ ability/willingness to “vote with their wallets” since it seems we would have drawn the line way earlier (thinking abusive micro transactions here).

Other than the human-crafted dungeons, Daggerfall is . . . hard to love. You won’t be spending much time in the open world because it’s vast and empty (like good luck even finding an enemy to bother with), so it’s fast travel everywhere. And the procedurally generated dungeons, which you are sent to constantly by

Absolutely not. I was recently in Osaka, and you can still smoke in bars. 

This seems like an important detail that should have been in the article. 

Brawlhalla would probably be a better game to switch to, but it’s not happening either way. Trying to move off of Smash would probably reduce the community to a fraction of its current size.

No game takes liberties with mythology quite like Vagrant Story.

Looks like this comment section is cursed.

You should see Bluesky, the horniest place since old Tumblr.

Vagrant Story would be totally playable today just as is . . . except the insane load times when opening your materials chest, which you need to do constantly. Such a drag.

I think that it’s not a coincidence that the growing incoherence of the story starts with the move to 3D.

Nobody in this thread appears to know the actual definition of a natural monopoly.

Yeah, you’re not reading that right. Yemen is mostly on the Arabian Peninsula, and it also has a group of islands that are also part of the Middle East. Making it all part of the Middle East.