Cletus Van Damme

Shit's not even food. It's a fucking drink! I now know that it wasn't only the bleak job prospects that encouraged me to leave Ohio.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing and greatly enjoyed the self deprecating runner telling everyone how he sucks compared to some Japanese players.

Rich Chinese people who think that Lamborghinis are actually worth owning.

Ugh. Smartisan. It's a smart phone from China. It's OS is even worse than its name. In Chinese, it's name is just Hammer, which is way better if senseless.

It is a fairly noticeable change. When the initial crackdown started in May, it went from Gmail being intermittently accessible to the web client never working. POP and IMAP were still okay.

China has been dodging all of its commitments to the WTO for decades. I think that ship has sailed.

True, but it's not 1950, and I have no idea how you convince an eighteen year old to go to Nebraska. I think Nebraska fans are just going to have to deal with no longer competing for national championships.

Eric is totally right. There is absolutely no enforcement of alcohol and tobacco age restrictions. I have no doubt that an eight year old could go into a convenience store, say he was buying smokes and drinks for his dad, and come out with two exciting new habits.

I would never drink a single malt with ice either, but people should just enjoy drinks however they want. If someone likes ice, more power to them.

Straight up is the only way to drink a single malt, really. (You could put it in a fancy cocktail, but it's kind of a waste.) Snobs insist on a splash of water, which supposedly "opens up the taste". I'm skeptical of that. Snobs also don't like it when you put ice in it, but if that's how you like it, go for it!

The LG G3 is an interesting device. I personally think it's an aesthetic mess, but an improvement over the G2. Their skin also got cleaned up a ton, which was previously a real achilles heel.

Ethics in esports journalism, the most pressing issue of modern times.

I've never seen brilliant used so creatively.

The biggest thing about me is not appropriate to mention in polite company!

Thank you for this article, Anna. It was harrowing and will bring more attention to all the bullshit that girls in high school have to deal with. And it's clear that you put tons of leg work into it.

We have a word for that. It's "feminist".

Dayton Flyer fans!

Hahaha, you sound bitter. Plenty of women seem to like me despite being a man.

Eh, he's clearly talking about MRAs, and he's right. They are scummy.

Do I love EA? Noooooo, I'm not a sociopath.