Cletus Van Damme

I can assure you that the Minecraft IP is part of the deal. Mojang possesses neither exceptional game devs nor designers. Microsoft is not particularly stupid, and Mojang's other properties are more or less worthless.

Well, this should be an incredible payout for everyone on the Mojang team, and I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for taking it. However, I certainly don't see many staff hanging around after the acquisition (depending on the terms of the buyout).

The way the camera overlaps that horizontal line is quite unbecoming.

Well, I guess I'll have to give up my dream of creating a website besmirching the Amazon rain forest.

Protect me from your ugly floppy hat, and I'll consider toning down my bullshit.

As a fellow Mac user, I can say that it does know you're using one. It defaults to the Mac games in the featured section.

Japanese curry, Indian curry, Thai curry, Malaysian curry, they're all different from each other, and Japanese curry is probably the biggest outlier.

The characters are a bit blurry, but I'm pretty sure those are Nanjing brand cigarettes.


I'm planning on sticking with my Nexus 5 for another year, but I love what Moto has been doing. The leather looks fantastic.

Stop running away from me, you stupid Flayers!

I'm out. Too many bad memories of glorious Kurast.

Absolutely true about HK and Taiwan.

Good call. Beginner players don't realize that normals are key.

I've always thought that milkshakes have too few tuber flavors.

I'll have to give this a try. I love Google Maps, but the Chinese government most certainly does not.

I feel like two is the barest possible for a line.

I wonder if the cow tongue is grilled. Because that's delicious and I could go for some right now.

I can't be the only one who finds it embarrassing when a bunch of white guys do the Haka.

From my trip to Seoul, people in Seoul (the only place I've been in Korea) speak better English than people in Tokyo, but worse than people from Shanghai. However, Shanghai's a bit of an outlier as far as China goes.