Cletus Van Damme

That certainly could be part of the problem, Other Barry. However, Shanghai is plagued by the same problem, but the level of competency is much higher. Part of that might just be that parents (at least those with resources) place more value on English, though, and get their children more hours of lessons outside

It's really not very good. Students start learning it at a very young age, but it doesn't seem to take. If I had to say why, I'd probably say that the way it is taught is more geared to test taking than actual use.

Anything to read on the English-language internet about the infamous subtitler? That sounds like it could be a lot of fun!

Haha, I tried. Couldn't quite get all the pieces to work there!

And I'm sure some would just like to store their health data in any storage device connected to using hdgenius cables, but I won't be doing either.

I'd take Quark and Bashir over anyone in Voyager, but that's okay, opinions can differ!

Except DS9 was the best written, acted and conceived Star Trek series by a long shot. I highly recommend giving it another viewing.

Chakotay was awesome!? That seems hard to countenance. And Janeway couldn't even figure out that it might be a good idea to turn off the holodeck.

You can also do this remotely with Android Device Manager!

I hate these larvae.

I wish. How many warnings have we already been given? In the US, the issue has become completely politicized (which is quite easy when one party dismisses science as if it stands somewhere below religion). In developing nations, especially China and India, economic growth is considered more important than protecting

If this sounds good, you can give Millenaire a try. It's similar in some ways, but with quite a bit of depth.

Nah, don't worry, guys. It's just me. I spoofed my PC to register as a 3DS.

The problem is who this is. This guy has basically zero credibility among the Chinese populace, who are already extremely skeptical of charity. He's a self-aggrandizing clown who has mastered the art of turning charity into self-promotion.

That is literally the only way to convince anyone to use it, although it's completely unfeasible. China has been trying to make a homegrown OS forever (Red Flag Linux anyone?), but it's just not going to happen.

A lot of the people who write in to Dr. Nerdlove seem like they shouldn't be allowed to date at all, what with their masses of complexes and insecurities. But hey, we could go ahead and pair them up and watch the fireworks.

I do about 90% of my reading on my phone, which makes me a bit of an outlier.

I'm not nearly that mean!

I think it would be quite easy to convert this Cactuar into a Creeper. Nightmares for days.

Gah. That face. I love a homemade costume, but I'll never look at a Cactuar the same again.