
How can you tell. Have you ever seen them together?

All trump supporters are racist fucking scum. There are no moderate Republicans. There is no moderate GOP. They are the party of trump. They are racists. Fuck every one of them forever.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

I’ll never understand how people like this don’t get punched in the face more often.

He’s just as out of ammo there as his boss is.

Now playing

For those of you unfamiliar with the world’s greatest drink…

Goddamnit, this picture was supposed to go on the above...

Substitute “Eva Braun” for “Melania” in the headline, and I would muster the exact same amount of sympathy. She’s reaping what she’s sown. Zampolli better get Lady Di’s name out of his mouth; miss me with that bullshit.

We all have a story about being licked by a Canadian hockey player. I definitely got triggered reading this.

I’m just glad to see him on his feet these days. So brave!

He better hope word doesn’t get back to Principal Raditch or he could get suspended.

Michelle Wolf, leaving the WHCD:

Assholes like this are the Canadian version of having to listen to Bob Costas or Thomas Boswell or George Will go on about how special baseball is.

In a sane world, Colbert would be too ashamed to even bring up his 2006 WHCD performance. It was one of the most awkward, halting comedic performances I’ve ever seen.

Postpone, not prevent. Having meat in your diet does not turn you into a mortal.

A MAGA hat IS hate speech.

He’s no Uday.

There isn’t a Trump alive that should be considered a keeper

It’s lorry