
What white nonsense is this?

I’m sick of these religious shitbags trying to tell me how awful porn is, and how I their way is the only way it’s acceptable to live. Fuck him.

I love you millennials.

Canadian calculators don’t include the number 0, so every CFL game begins 1-1. Which just demonstrates how bad the Ti-Cats have to be to have an 0-8 record.

cause Aremathea was known for is shark infestation, In fact Jesus was quoted as saying “We need a bigger boat”

This is so irresponsible. All this sort of thing does is lessen people’s readiness for when a REAL sharknado happens.

Submitted for the day’s “Damning with Faint Praise” award.

To be fair, nobody expected anybody in America (or Canada, for that matter) to pay attention to the CFL. Martin Shkreli has been the starting QB for the Argos for the last 2 seasons.


Preventing a sneeze is a life hack? I hope this site goes under. you dumbshit wannabe writers are a joke. and you have the audacity to splash a overlay asking me to disable my ad blocker and you have content like this.. FUCK YOU!

Funny how football people’s brains work, huh? They all seem like huge fucking gutless coward assholes.

He fucking had the opportunity to be a coach. He blew it. God, sports people are fucking stupid.

The religious con and the patriotic con are the most widely used and the most successful, because the marks come through the door ready to believe, and anyone who doesn’t believe is Satan or a Commie.

Never, EVER, estimate the stupidity, gullibility, or general idiocy of religious people.

They’re getting better. Now there is only ONE team called the Rough Riders.

Mitchell, Tillman and Austin need to step down. This is a complete embarrassment. I’m still unsettled over the fact that a confessed and convicted sex offender is our GM.

At any rate, the Tiger-Cats don’t seem to have seen it coming—when asked if the team would consider not hiring Briles due to backlash, Mitchell had plainly answered “No.”

Here’s my theory: We all died in some kind of mass extinction event or something a little while ago, and we’re basically just living the series finale of Lost but somehow incomparably worse. We’re all dead and experiencing a bewildering, terrible afterlife where the worst imaginable person is the president and he is

Can’t they make Mexico pay for it?

“At no point should a minimum wage job be a career choice.” DO YOU FUCKING THINK ANYONE WANTS TO BE IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC FOR MINIMUM WAGE? You are fucking ghoul. Take your ‘free market’ bullshit and shove it up the anus of too big to fail.