
It can’t be the third guy, he has no flag pin.

You misunderstand. That headline is from when he was fifteen.

The GOP has a never ending line of complete fucking assholes they can trot out in any role, be completely incompetent, be completely evil, and be as condescending as humanly possible.

Amazing that the White House would employ a person who is so weak. Anyone talking with threats he cannot fulfill upon and what do you have, is very weak. A sad story that now USA has a president and also a very weak person employed too, like this. Sad sad sad. Pity Pity sad.

These signs are a brilliant work of social commentary and the design is really powerful.

All impressive feats for a man who struggles to palm a softball!!

For me:

Blake Shelton doesn’t sing country songs.

Next he’s going to tell you how he scored 4 TD’s for Polk High

Maybe watersports.

“Three foot putts are, well as we all know, the toughest shot maybe in all the golf courses especially Trump courses which are the best in the world, the economy is doing great. Sandwich.”

If you believe Scaramucci—you shouldn’t—Trump has thrown a perfect spiral through a tire.

I’d like to think so, but Speaker Ryan is pure shitstain—no impeachment coming from his office. There’s no way he’d grow a pair of balls and do his duty per the Constitution. He’s a psychotically partisan Repub till the bitter end. IE: he’ll always kiss American Hitler’s ass.

Ugh, pesto. Sounds good at the time but not worth the miserable pesto-burps all afternoon.

Pure grain alcohol and rainwater, Mandrake

Maybe next time they should have the fisticuffs take place before the hot dog eating contest.

Now that I know what I would look like in a MMA ring I won’t be trying it out anytime soon. I would thing the mouthguard would be more slimming.

Was this fight sponsored by Faygo? Jesus Christ.

I’m confused, Ann, was your broom not working?

Me too, but I don’t trust scientists, they’re always saying incorrect things and making me angry.