That’s some catch, that Catch-22.
That’s some catch, that Catch-22.
It doesn’t matter what you call it. Just know that the fucker in front of you going 20 and the asshole behind you going 70 will both react like they’ve never seen one before at the same time as they suffer their first concussion while discovering their steering wheel hand is locked in the tub of cheezish balls.
So, does this come off the printing presses with the front covers already removed, get put on a truck at the shipping dock, get driven to the receiving dock, then get unloaded, written off and destroyed, all in the same day? Seems like it would be a good time-saving measure.
In the past, I’d have been loath to disagree with Cranston at the risk of being called an anti-dentite, but now I understand that there are very good people on both sides.
For a head strength coach, Greenstone certainly did not show much head strength there.
That’s an awfully long article arguing that hour-long television shows are too long.
He says he didn’t meddle... And I believe, I really believe that when he tells me that he means it. - DJT
Good for him for wanting to be in shape for prison.
“See? We’re still doing more for the environment than the Trump administration.” - Bashir Al-Assad
Dropping out is fine, but holding an R. Budd Dwyer-style news conference would be better.
Not so much “gaming the system” as “wrote the rules of the game and of the system under which it’s played.”
I dunno if you’ve been following the news, but they’re not even casting stones in churches these days. It’s guns FTW, all day, every day...
There are, of course, credible differences of opinion among climate scientists. Some are Team Jacob, others Team Edward.
Pretty sure “Sports Radio CHUD” is Mark Madden’s nickname on Pittsburgh’s 105.9.
Tucker Carlson looks like a ziploc bag full of semen wearing a Hitler wig.
So props to him for being able to find a Hitler wig...
“As lame as balls that are on fire”? What the hell? Was he listening to Jerry Lee Lewis’ greatest hits somewhere where there was a lot of background noise?
“By that logic, if you kill someone in a church, you’re basically doing then a favor.” - Velocirapstar
Bok choy? Broccoli? TOFU?!?!?!?
I had this coach in youth hockey...