
There’s also Bryan Hyland, a 78-year-old described as a “widower” by the Sun. Hyland said the 45-minute limit is a “ridiculously short time to order and eat.”

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Talk about putting the cart before the horse, running before you can walk, or deploying other pertinent cliches:

Oh, yeah, Chicken Lady is *hawt.*

Fifteen degrees, you say? So this setup is not optimal?

Or - and I’m just blue-skying here - we could take other Fox News personalities, put them in an airlock and open the door on the side facing space and revel at how weird and uncomfortable they seem.

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines “Miss October” as “the next thing on Hef’s agenda.”

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“I always thought they were called ‘roofers.’” - Richard Nixon

When Laracque says he’s “surprised the NHL didn’t make a stand,” I’m sure he means it in the “surprised-but-not-surprised-at-all” sense of the word. The last time the League took an overt stand on anything political, Montreal reacted with the Richard Riots. The NHL - as a league - prefers to work in the shadows, and

Fine, then: but her emails.

Plus it’s disruptive every time the batter has to turn around and yell, “What?”

Fatal aneurysm, you say. How can we make this happen?

“I think if an intruder situation were to occur I’d be more ready to jump off the bed and defend her. Am I weird?”

To be fair, how would you explain to the audience that a character was killed by one of the massive donkey cocks that the entire show spends every minute sucking on?

Jesus, the third person in line in a Human Centipede is more attractive than she is.

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Rep. Hensarling fails to account for people’s ignoring God’s advice on where to live since at least Arthurian times:

Use of the word secrete in a sentence describing DJT, Jr.: [shudder]

Apropos that from the gentleman’s perspective, the drain is wide right.

Could have avoided this if The Scav had bothered to read “Fact Check Hurricane Irma Rumors on FEMA’s Website” on Lifehacker... #maga

“If you find yourself discussing hurricanes and climate change with such a person, first, stop and think. Ask yourself:

There’s no way that a woman admitting to sex with Boehner doesn’t make her look worse than Boehner admitting to sex with a woman.