Boy Emperor

I don’t suppose Defector will expand into other verticals...

hey just wanted to say i love you jason and also, subsequently, fuck the haters·

i updated my bookmark to

Should have kicked Karen off the flight.

I spent the majority of my life living near a couple of the richest zip codes in the country. Rich people style comes in a few flavors:

They are police chiefs. They shoot it multiple times in the back. 

Samuel Braithwhite (Tony Goldwyn)—son of Titus, father of Christina

That first photo of them side by side is probably 25% of their lost sales right out the gate. I mean look at them - the Bronco looks so much better in every way. Not really hard to do of course, but Jeep doesn’t really have a choice either.

ah, a fellow man of culture

Powerful jacks are for jumping chasms, destroyed bridges thing like that. Essential for beating the Car Acrobatic Team. It’s almost like you’ve never watched Speed Racer.

He gets paid by the number of times he types...

Thar it is.

She looks like someone just ripped off her mask at the end of a Scooby-Doo episode.  

But the Feds didn’t pass a new law last year specifically reclassifying most gig workers as employees.  California did.

If anyone’s curious, our smallest president was James Madison, who was 5'4" and about 100 lbs. Interesting fact: He is the only president to have two vice presidents die while in office.

William Howard Taft fun facts: At 350+ pounds he was America’s largest president and was the only president to serve in another high position after leaving office when he was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by Pres. Warren G. Harding. There is no truth to the rumor that he once got stuck in a White House

Alfa Romeo is working their next car called the William Henry Harrison. It has a catastrophic engine failure a month after you buy it.

You want good content and a distinct lack of herbs? Pay up.

I said I would pay for them to do their thing. And so I will. Now, how to explain it to the wife: “But you don’t even really watch sports!”

oh you know I did too. 

The new Defender is the best Discovery ever