Boy Emperor

The best COTD should be all the Spanfeller stuff but you guys have kids to feed and probably should just “Stick to Cars, ya nerds”. Its too bad you guys are clumped under the large umbrella that is G/O media.

Can we address the bigger issue here? Can we stop with the recommended/recent videos auto playing on every single page?

I think what the OP was getting at—although they made more of a blanket statement and didn’t include this clarification—is that EVs are challenging to own for people who have to park on the street, without their own designated parking space.

Look, I’m not some blood-crazed revolutionary or anything. I’m just saying that it wouldn’t necessarily be the worst thing in the world to maybe keep one tiny, portable guillotine around. It won’t take up much space! We can keep it in the corner of the attic next to the inflatable mattress. That way we’re ready for

Really a similar issue to Cadillac - where it doesn’t really matter so much how good the cars are, if prospective customers still associate the name with blue hairs playing nickel slots in Atlantic City. Image does matter a great deal with vanity purchases, like luxury cars and expensive motorcycles.

The sooner that Harley transitions to being a more general-audience motorcycle company and the sooner they get out from under that gruesome image/lifestyle identity that they’ve lived on for the last four decades - what was once their marketing hook is now suffocating them - the better off they will be.

The flag is clearly in the drivers blind spot

did they literally put a screwdriver and a terrible towel on this and think “sure, that’ll work”?

I agree that the Xterra driver was likely distracted but I don’t think the logs shifted backwards. It’s just the way they were loaded, overhanging the rear of the trailer. That’s what the orange flag on the end was for, to warn motorists, which it clearly failed to do.

This is all true (also an Oregonian), but a log truck can’t stop faster than a SUV.

No worries, the average Corvette buyer’s cataracts make the GM visibility problem moot. very careful of what you say aboutblack people, minorities, women etc.” in our country.

You don’t need a headset when Jesus is calling the plays. #blessed 

As a 6'7 man, I suggest we burn them all at the stake, then parade their charred corpses infront of the younger generation to ensure the message is received.

on the one hand: awful, late-capitalist hellscape.

Tough to be an MLB pitching coach when you refuse to work with lefties.

My contribution to the special needs community is a non-profit consignment store that employs people with developmental disabilities. Our government does a great job with the resources they have, especially while the kids are still in school.

China: [fires Rockets]

My son is a year and a half old, so his giant seat is more upright than the infant one was. Infant seats are very challenging, but the amount of time you’ll have to use one is relatively short.