Boy Emperor

I’d argue Division/Div 2 are more looter/shooters than RPGs, but six of this…

I’m a Star Wars heretic…. I love the IP, but most of the movies are garbage. I’d say that Solo, while not breaking any new ground, is better than any of the prequels, any of the sequels (Ep. 7-9), better than Return if the Jedi.  I’d only put it behind New Hope, ESB, and Rogue One.  I’m still not saying it’s a great

Not that I’d necessarily advocate for the choice, but if multiple people jump out of a car and point handguns at you, I don’t think many prosecutors are going to come at you for choosing/reacting instinctively with the “floor it” option…

Bureau of Land Management, not Labor.  The Federal Government owns about 1/8 of US land, concentrated in the western states.  BLM is a pretty big Federal agency…. with complexity too, monetizing, forestry, conservation, law enforcement, etc.

It’s funny, I stopped frequent visiting of Jalop when your crap ownership group shit the bed with Deadspin. But, an AV Club article on White Lotus led me to a headline for an article that should have been interesting to read…

I feel like this entire (endlessly repeated) inquiry that come up ignores how many Americans live in places where snow/ice are just not going to happen...

I don’t think this concept will be as easy to bring home as automakers think.  What do I use in my car that I would pay an optional recurring cost for?  Nav?  Thanks, I’ll use my phone then.  Voice assist *anything*?  You and I look at our free time differently if you have spent time in your garage talking to and

This times 1000. Why do they have to limit driver’s salary? The only companies paying the gadzooks money are the deep pocket corporate teams. If the goal is to promote a competitive F1 environment, the capping development spend or overall budget is a better way to go. It’s classic move by the world’s ultra rich “He

I grew up in Monterey, went to school literally next door to Laguna Seca, and all my life I wanted Formula 1 to race there... but for a variety of reasons, the most commonly mentioned being the tiny road that allows access to the track, it was always considered a remote possibility. It’s too bad, because it’s a

No. While I’m ok with a show deferring many of its mysteries, it should take you somewhere in 10 episodes. This show delivers little (and feeble) insight to some of the interesting questions it posits. You had 10 hours of my life, and gave back dickall. The whole season was an exercise in science fiction fan hope,

[another instance of] one of the protagonists inflicts unnecessary harm to someone... Ruby raping the store manager with a stiletto...

The A.V. Club: Your character in Lovecraft Country is a closeted gay Black man. This is not the first time you had to approach that type of scenario...

I don’t suppose Defector will expand into other verticals...

I’m thinking this is just spin on Singletary’s part. Generally when the Mayor announces your resignation instead of you doing it...? Your ass got fired by the Mayor...

It’s just an unforgivably uncharismatic, stale, blob cracker of a vehicle. I have no doubt that it is highly, highly capable, but ick, it looks like a Xterra overhaul that Nissan rejected for being too bland.

The alarming trend of increased speeding violations and, in some cases, a year-over-year doubling of traffic fatalities during the COVID-19 pandemic continues into the fall, as police agencies around the country report it’s an all-out death race on America’s roads right now.

That car is fuck ugly.

The OP broke the groups down perfectly. I’ve lived in both San Francisco and Seattle. These are indeed the three groups. Some of the break down is geographic: San Francisco seemed to have more of the first, and Seattle had more of the second group. (And, omg, please understand how important that “perfectly fitted”

Ooh, look!  A slideshow...  I’m so happy to click through this like its 2008.  Except, I didn’t.  Please tell your hack overlords that slideshows are shit.

For real, why didn’t “Brett Favre was a legend who sent unsolicited dick picks to a young Jets employee after his dad died” make the tweet, Bri...?