Name checks out.
Also no US municipality would be able to get a car marked as abandoned and crushed inside of three days.
You need to think about the value of their vehicle over time as well. With the Hyundai they will be in better shape to trade/sell it when the time comes to upgrade because they (hopefully) won’t be underwater with their loan. But something that costs 10-12k more and is taken out for 2 more years is almost certainly…
Blow it up? Gruden looks like he’s gonna explode.
They are very RED-y
Even if Osweiler dies, he will at least have delivered a win today for Colin Kaepernick in his collusion lawsuit.
I have played Assassin’s Creed since AC1, and I have studied Assassin’s History since I was 5 years old. I majored in Economics at UCLA with a minor in Assassin Studies, with a heavy focus on Desmond Miles. To call me “uneducated” because I want a reasonablly authentic game is completely uncalled for. Women DID NOT…
Leave that man the fuck alone!
Good, the 49ers need a new QB.
Clay Travis looks like the kind of guy who would try to bring a kid with a head full of lice onto a commercial flight.
Who doesn’t try to make 69 gesture in a picture with their in-laws?
Exactly. Someone who bought their Tahoe or Suburban in 2005 and paid 36k for a fully loaded truck is shocked when they go to replace it and it has an MSRP of nearly twice their previous vehicle.
“Coach Meyer is known to have a physical condition that in combination with medication taken to treat that condition, causes him to impulsively say anything he can think of to Make Allegations Go Away."
How will this affect his second job as a Grizzled Old Prospector?
“This is a very sad day for everyone in the Cowboys family. We can only hope that someday Travis will be able to ride in a car again.” - Emmitt Smith
O’Rourke’s answer was not only intelligent and well thought out, it was inspirational and sounded almost presidential.
Yes, I can tell the difference between a movie franchise that’s mailed it in since 1997 and a movie franchise that’s mailed it in since 2011.
We need an intervention for people who make excuses for these movies being anything better than Transformers movies.