Boy Emperor

This one and the ultrasound one made me laugh...  but I have a really juvenile sense of humor.

Miller does not give one single fuck. He wasn’t “humilated” at all.

Yeah, someone fasting is so disruptive to the workplace.  You seem like a real bright bulb.

That seems like a tremendous amount of scratch, even with the inevitable Dodge discount...

Thank you for sharing your and your brother’s story. It is deeply, deeply moving. I wish we could find all the Yush’s in the world and hold them close, dispel the illusions, and show them that their world can be better.

I’m banned from Century Link Field, Dodger Stadium, Citi Field, and Arrowhead Stadium because I shot my wad at people’s faces. Small minds, I guess...

“That’s the norm” is the stupidest argument that exists in the entire human catalog of assertions. If “That’s the norm” was a compelling argument, we’d all be living in caves, shitting on the ground, and wiping our ass with our hands.

I mean this sincerely: I’m sorry you guys have to watch ESPN as part of your job. Like any other pundit-driven channel on cable, it’s deliberately filled with human shitstains placed to deliberately provoke emotion (and retain the stupidest viewers) by saying unconscionable things. Fuck ESPN.

I read this, and a thought occurred to me:

That A2 interior looks like it spent the last two years as a cage for pet rabbits...

Yeah, heaven forbid that we take an affirmative course of action during the party’s candidate selection process and offer cold, logical candidate analyses based on first hand observation and review of policy positions... because some Cletus somewhere is writing notes on extra McDonalds napkins and saving them in a

I mean, fucking A, for real...

Any story with a Watsonville reference is a +1.

While it makes me feel like President Business, I have to agree with you. I was looking forward to a set to further build out our Winter Village with my two kids. The old sets are prohibitively expensive to acquire, so I was looking forward to this year’s set. But it doesn’t fit the aesthetic...

This comment is criminally understarred...

I stopped reading because I was deeply, deeply bored and realized quickly that there is nothing interesting in Philadelphia...

I’m pretty sure 7G-Tronic is an Icelandic trance DJ...

Can’t tell if serious, but will give you the benefit of the doubt. “Not being admitted to a highly competitive school” is not the same as “utter idiot who can’t function at said school”. The issue at hand is that they gamed the system, and took one of the finite slots that could have been granted to someone who