Boyd "Skybaby" Sweetan

WORLD will close their boarders to us. We stock with vacation in his other winter white house.

But some would say that revoking 100,000 visas is a small price to pay to prevent another Bowling Green Massacre, an event which was so tragic and horrible that it doesn’t even seem real...

So now they are bribing individual people with visas to drop their lawsuits? There is literally no floor. These motherfuckers . . . . the rage . . . I can’t finish a fucking sentence. 

My understanding is that they did this just so that they could continue to turn people away at the border: if they can’t turn away people with valid visas, they just ensure that no one they want to turn away has a valid visa. The courts are NOT going to be impressed.

Which you can tell from his face that is clearly the result of long-term alcoholism. Every one of the following warning signs encapsulates him.

My new position is that Democrats should just leave the capitol building and refuse to participate in government for the next two years. All we ever seem to do is shave the most heinous parts off of Republican policies and then get blamed for the predictably shitty results by a bunch of know-nothing hicks. If,

His supporters still think trickle down economics is brilliant. They’ll cheer on this change. Because of the billionaires just get richer, maybe one day I’ll make some money too! And let’s not forget they’re JOB CREATORS. even though most of them don’t believe in minimum wage period. Maybe jobs will come back but

Holy shit I had a good lol at this.

Keep deleting everyone. Kalanick still doesn’t get it.

The uprising begins!

One of the most frustrating times during my med-school application process was when an interviewer asked me to define empathy vs. sympathy. It became an argument about semantics rather than trying to determine whether or not I care about patients.

Do you think our dear leaders in Washington might be interested in something like this?

millions of americans are voicing their opinions and concerns to him and their elected officials. and he’s not listening.

I love the “Marathon, don’t sprint” comment, because, honestly, that’s my biggest fear.

That, eventually, people will get tired of protesting and just accept things to be the way they are for the next 2, 4, or (god forbid) 8 years.

Given that Martin Luther King Jr. Day just passed and it’s Black History Month, I feel that this quote is particularly appropriate:

Bigger than choosing the politically correct taxi:

That’s a pretty fucking good avatar for social media. Saving that puppy.

This is the cover of the latest Der Spiegel. OMFG