Boyd "Skybaby" Sweetan

Ha! Red State - the most anti-Trump righties of them all - are lauding him for his leadership on immigration and for taking the reins off Pence to let him after the LGBT crowd. They love this shit - right down to the trailer-parkiest, toothless-est, braindeadest one of the bunch.

What America needs right now is a real hero - with good grouping

And those jeans

Coup has already happened, we’re looking to fight it

Top two advisors are christo-white supremacists. One lesson fascists have learned - you don’t say that shit out loud anymore. But I would invite you to look at literally ANYTHING Bannon said before the campaign - Miller too

None of those people have any say-so over ANY of Trumps decisions. They are there simply to maintain access to government business. What exactly do you think “economic council” means?

They don’t. Ship sailed. He is surrounded by a cadre of the worst of the worst business and cultural sadists this country and Russia have to offer. The ONLY thing to do now is fight. If you don’t realize that, you’re not on our side.

I think I’m more disgusted by the women who sleep with these cats. That guy obviously smells like shit - not like as a euphemism - like he didn’t wipe well shit. They all dress like they fell off a wall-mart truck - eat shitty food. I think liquor may be the only thing any of their kind actually have an appreciation

Putin literally wrote the playbook on how to use government business to line one’s pockets - he’s coaching donnie along one play at a time

1) conscience* 2) Shaq’s an idiot too - your hatred has blinded you

I think this is more just “I hate Chuck” bullshit. His take was correct. He’s been right like twice this decade, but still - this was one of those times

That’s the part I don’t get: the original take was correct - Lebron is whining. Biggest payroll in history - got Love - overpaid Thompson - got Korver - fired Blatt - hired his do-boy.

He trains a lil bit - Chuck was pretty good for b-ball fights. I’d pay to see all 14 seconds of it

That is the greatest thing in the history of things

18yr old and his girlfriend with their 11 month old baby - yeah - these aren’t Rhodes Scholars

Hahaha! CNN and CBS huh? Sad fact is, you have to literally check a number of sites(I prefer Reuters, BBC, Guardian, Christian Science Monitor and even Twitter) - take the amalgam of info, compare the inherent biases in all the sources, then try and parse out the truth. All the sites I listed have their own agendas -

Another long-winded, simple-minded sycophant that couldn’t possibly fathom voting for someone without slavishly accepting their dogma 100%. Fuck you bootlicker - I voted for Hillary.

I’m not sure what’s worse: that you wrote all that thinking I didn’t vote for Hillary or that you’re the kind of sycophant who couldn’t possibly make an adult choice and vote for the less-shitty of the two HORRIBLE candidates without fully buying into their nonsense

Thank you for summing up - albeit longwinded as fuck - the unmistakable, laughable fucking naivety and stupidity of the clinton supporter. The woman says “single payer will never happen in this country” and you spin it to “she’s always fought for healthcare”. She says “free college is a pipe dream”- you spin that to

Maybe when polled, but when its time to actually vote, they double-down on conservative every time. See all the campaign polling that had trumps chances at 37%. The vast majority of white people will always run to the comfort of the status quo and conservatism when faced when the uncertainty of overturning the apple