Boyd "Skybaby" Sweetan

So, one would imagine that this cohort of GOP members fed up with trumps shenanigans would be pretty vocal right now, what with public opinion being so set against trump, right? No? That’s because they are spineless pig fuckers who only care about power and to them - trump is consolidating power in their favor. Trump

Her, Waters, Pelosi, DWS, Howard Dean, Tulsi, Booker - the old guard - buckley republicans - have dragged the party down too far for me. Let those republican-lite assholes have the DNC. Real Progressives are looking elsewhere

“it won’t make you a liberal, a dirty communist, a radical, an activist, a hippie;”

I would’ve sided with my brothers in the taxi union and not have served JFK during the agreed-upon work stoppage.

If your definition of the left is “not the right”. Don’t use my definition - use any one you’d like - the two parties in this country represent the extreme right wing and the center-right. Period. See what happened when an actual leftist tried to get the DNC nod

So if your job will be eliminated through technology in the future, you should stfu and take whatever scraps you can get for now? Bruh - shareholder capitalism has beaten you into the ground. Your labor is yours and it has value.

Having a union wouldn’t affect that at all - would help you get health benefits and a competitive wage though. Fuck that noise, though, right?

Its called solidarity, oh poorly educated american millennial. I know, this is a foreign concept to you and runs contrary to your natural state of snark, but listening to and supporting your brothers is actually the human thing to do

What do you think about cats trying to get the Ali Act changed to include MMA?

Stay far away from Bjorn. If you want to unionize contact the goddamn AFL-CIO - but DO NOT LET BJORN STEAL EVERYBODYS MONEY

How many industries tried to capitalize on a temporary hole in the market? Fuck Uber and fuck you - apologist asshole

Did you even read the article? How about the 20 others HamNo put up about unionizing. This about political action. If you’re not unionized and your state is right-to-work (mine is as well) - then lets get out there and start shaking some trees for some pro-union, leftist candidates.

So many hillbilly fucks like you have no idea how anything in the world works, but still feel like you get to have an opinion. A lot of people will try and be cordial and say “thats fine, everybody’s opinion matters”. Those people are wrong and just as dumb as you are.

The more I learn about Steve Bannon, the more I’m afraid that his goal

The killer is, most of these fucks at CBP are making less than 50 k - they are class traitors. They can easily choose not to carry out illegal orders at the behest of the corporate class, but to a person all you’ll hear is “just doing my job”. That shit didn’t fly at Nuremberg and it won’t fly if we ever live through

The killer is, most of these fucks at CBP are making less than 50 k - they are class traitors. They can easily choose not to carry out illegal orders at the behest of the corporate class, but to a person all you’ll hear is “just doing my job”. That shit didn’t fly at Nuremberg and it won’t fly if we ever live through

Why do you hate Delaware?

“-raising wages

You clintonite motherfuckers will never learn - you don’t just get to be completely ignorant of world events for 3 1/2 years, watch a campaign commercial and start chanting “all hail queen hillary!”

So your point is my point: the Hillary Clinton and the DNC do not represent the left in any way, shape, or form - they are the moderate republican party.