Boyd "Skybaby" Sweetan

You sticking your fingers in your ears and refusing to deal with reality - namely that DWS and the DNC colluded to crown Queen Hillary - has been quite an effective strategy so far. Very mature

The far left compomised with Obama. The banks are the non-starter for both sides though - we on the far left will make no compromise that doesn’t include breaking up the biggest banks and regulating the shit out of all their other entities - the clintonites will make no compromise that regulates banking or finance in

To Donald Trump - the most hated candidate in history. The DNC is not your friend

I mean, he’s kicking your ass up and down the block. That’s not what you call winning?

“Why do people keep forgetting that the DNC didn’t choose Hilary, Democrat voters in the primary did. It didn’t matter who the fuck you think should have been nominated for the presidency.”

This is that logic that will have you DNC morons trotting Hil out for a third run if she isn’t dead by then. “Just stick to the playbook guys - people love banks - the ones that don’t are just jealous rednecks”. FUUUUUUUCCKKK YYYYOOOOOOUUUU!

They hypocrisy of the hil-bot: constant handwringing and finger pointing about the evil cabal that took down their queen - meanwhile telling Bernie bros to stfu - Debbie Wasserman is a saint - stop your whining, you lost.

Great argument