Boyd "Skybaby" Sweetan

And everyone is so wrapped up in the political theater Trump is creating (cabinet nominations, who tf is Frederick Douglass, Steve Bannon), we’ve yet again skipped over the fact that our POTUS still hasn’t fucking fully divested himself from his businesses, many of which will likely benefit from the financial

Always relevant:

And goddammit get Chris Matthews off the air. He’s been useless for years. He talks over anyone who has a decent point to make but just lets windbags like her talk at will. I’m done with NBC and their properties. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve switched to CNN for cable news and CBS for broadcast news.

Wait. Why the fuck should a reporter have to ask her WHAT SHE MEANT? Is she not in charge of her own fucking words? Does she not have control over how she forms sentences? I am so goddamn tired of these people I have no fucking clue how I’m gonna make it 4 years without losing my goddamn mind over the hypocrisy.

Sure they are! But an impediment to many people participating in resistance is their fear that they will cross some invisible tribal border; that opposing this means agreeing with or aligning with everything and everyone else that opposes it. That if they oppose something being done by tribal conservatives, that means

Yes thank you that is obviously the right answer. I feel foolish leaving that off. E. SHUT IT DOWN FOR THE SAME HOUR.

Feinstein is a goddamn dumpster fire who has gone along with almost EVERYTHING Trumpian. Fuck her.


“Some of the conversations will be uncomfortable; some of your friends and relatives and neighbors will not want to be bothered or will look at you in your fervor and see a sweaty earnestness they find off-putting for reasons they cannot quite pin down.”

Those bills mean nothing to me when I see this.

Yes. Everything that’s gone on in the first week of this presidency, from the seemingly trivial like lying about crowd size, to the major, like sparking a humanitarian crisis, ought to scare everyone who sees any value in American democracy and professes any fealty to American ideals. It is astonishing the speed with

The Dems should still primary Feinstein. Even if she belatedly develops a spine in the next year. She’s emblematic of the slow death of the party.

Honestly, I never had a problem with Bjorn. Was a super nice guy in person. Ate lunch and dinner with him and hung out with him multiple times while with Bellator, his end of tenure happened while I was with them. Say what you will about how he handled the Alvarez situation, he did seem more interested in creating


Yes, wear a shirt with a slogan on it. Yes, put a bumper sticker on your car. Yes, flood your social media feed with

All white women certainly aren’t the enemy but it’s exceedingly easy to lose sight of this fact when even the progressive white women, who should know better, are so often identical to their conservative peers.

Because it’s clearly more than just the “redneck” or “Evangelical” who voted for him. It’s the friendly woman who brings donuts at work. The mother of your child’s best friend. The boss who loves you. The teacher at your kid’s school. And it’s the extended network of those people who didn’t vote for Trump, but didn’t

The only response I can think is to my fellow white ladies: