Don't Judge Me I Swear I'm Nice

I was told as a college student on my first field school that we had to tell our (male) professor when we got our periods, so the people in charge could know to take extra precautions and keep us near camp. This was considered a standard safety measure.

If you ask Stephen Herrero the author of “Bear Attacks, Their Causes and Avoidance” which is the bible of place like Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge (USFWS), Brooks Camp (NPS), the USFS on the ABC islands, and other well inhabited (by bears) locations, he could have shown you chapter and verse in multiple studies and

I do fieldwork in the Canadian Arctic and Subarctic, where bears (black/brown/grizzly/polar, depending on where you are) are something you have to think about.

I also wonder how they were able to determine that she was “about” to menstruate. Did they have such advanced medical ability in 1967? Or did she happen to have packed some pads or tampons? Maybe the woman just liked to be prepared? But yes - I would love for these same people who pushed that hypothesis to elaborate

Are you really complaining about someone posting a crapload of comments? pot, meet kettle

How in the hell is “kreigerismyspiritanimal”, a reference to a cartoon character, a racist username?

this person’s MO is to appear on threads where commenters disagree with the post and then harangue them with varying degrees of rudeness and hostility? same deal on the most recent harper’s bazaar / art appropriation post, and others. it’s just how they have fun i guess.

Their username isn’t racist; it may be referencing a racist but the name it’s self isn’t racist. Boy, for being so snarky and calling out other commenters you sure dropped the ball on that one.

Why are you responding to every single person who disagrees with YOUR opinion?

Unfortunately, nearly all PT covers use a woman’s face to somehow illustrate the subject matter of their cover story. It is often off putting, at a minimum.

Are you simply a troll who crawled out of a grey hole somewhere? Because it appears that someone else was idiotic enough to ungrey your pedantic, and moronic drivel you little twat.

I hate to agree with the MRA/Alt-Right people crowding the comments, but this article is a mistake. There is definitely a sexism/racism thing going on with Psychology Today, but it doesn’t have to do with this specific cover. If you did even a modicum of work to see this cover in context with the other covers or

Exactly. This cover is consistent with the esthetic of the majority of their covers. They seem to be under the impression that sex sells. Weird, right?! :)

I have also noticed this. I think this article could’ve been significantly strengthened by doing a quick google search to see that most of their covers feature “sexy” images of young white women. As it is now, the article seems like it’s reaching (to be generous). Would’ve been much more interesting to question why a

This is the cover of every issue of Psychology Today. It’s sexist, sure, but it’s also hacky and lazy.

Who is really the toxic one is how I read it.

So I pulled up PT’s rate card. 62.8% of their readership is female. Maybe, just MAYBE since about 2/3rds of their readership is female, they use females on the cover?

I don’t really have any opinion on this photo, but I have noticed that Psychology Today very very often just uses close-ups of the faces of young white women for their covers. Rarely men, rarely anyone older, rarely POC. Just anonymous young white models. As a brown woman who likes the magazine rack and who also likes

I think your grasping at straws here

Have you reached out for comment?