Box Turtle

I can’t agree with this. Arrest him and put him in prison for his crime. The movies have nothing to do with what he did and empowering the Government to quite literally steal people’s money is wrong.

It’s not worth an entire post. All the good people of Jezebel go home on the weekends, leaving me behind to find and write stories to both entertain and appall you. I write them as fast as I can, mistakes happen, and I correct those mistakes as soon as the grammar-loving crowd types their displeasure.

Ole Smoky Eyes is crying because she's called out for being a Paid Liar for the Big Boy regime?  Go cry me a river, Sarah...

He’s pretty much just trolling us now, right? This truly is the era of the troll. Louis CK is a troll now. Dave Chappelle is a troll now.  We have a president and his followers who seem to have as their goal in life to “own the libs”.   How do we fight off trolls?  Ignoring them can’t work when they’re running things

Woman who thinks a President who boasted of grabbing women “by the pussy”, forcibly kissing women, and getting away with assaulting women giving her a job gaslighting for him is worthy of feminist’s praise. Heh heh heh.

Plus, I doubt most GOP men even register that she exists--she’s not a twenty year old blonde.

“I am the most successful female serial killer in American history, but all these women keep talking about my victims instead of celebrating my success!”

Bitch be a long timer in the lying department - She’s been jacknifing into a pool full of Kool-Aid since her Daddy was in office and she was parroting whatever the fuck he wanted said.

ugh ... when I see her it somehow recalls a Looney Tunes ‘toon or something where the villains face is getting sucked into a vacuum cleaner.  Always looks like someone has a Dyson up to the right side of her head

But listen, it’s hard work having to iron all those white robes and hoods, and stocking up on supplies for cross burnings, while at the same time making sandwiches for the kids and shunting them to their “whites only” soccer league!

I feel like I would be a very happy woman if given the opportunity to hiss “quisling!” at her just a few times. Just, like, maybe three times in random places over the course of a month. Really give her time to think about it, even if she isn’t gonna internalize any actual revelations.

The literal and figurative cost of this administration is staggering. Internationlaly, our country has lost so much clout, that we will never have any advantage when entering negotiations with other nations.

Amen, Ashley. She is probably confronted by more women than men because she is such a disappointment to our gender and we smelled it from a mile away. She lied for a man, she treated the press as if they were garbage and she made pronouncements for a man who was using her.

The true test should be if Mother Pence will let her have dinner with father....

No—other women are embarrassed that you are oh-so-tangentially representing them. The fact that you cannot understand why women would be even more appalled by your lies and lack of empathy says everything about you, Sarah.

Sanders deadpan drawl of a tirade resembles the predictable endpoint of shallow, Lean In-adjacent type of feminism—an unrefined/flat argument that champions women—just for being in the room, no matter how harmful that room might be.”

This moron doesn’t realize that it’s because she was a lying bitch supporting a monster that she gets shit? 

Can’t wait until she runs into a progressive evangelical (and yes, we do exist) who tells her off as a woman and a Christian. That will really blow her mind.

And I find that very startling from a group of people that claim to be the champions of women empowerment.

What sort of monstrous ego must you have to think if you just concentrate hard enough you can turn a hurricane away? Apparently Ms. Williamson lives in the Matrix.