Box Turtle

Just when I start to think I have a decent handle on the world, I find out there’s not only a Jeremy Renner app, but also, apparently, an audience for it.

This is missing the point and a little mean. I’m disappointed it got so many stars. This is a person who missed out on formal education for reasons he clearly outlines, using an informal medium to express his raw emotional insights. There’s nothing wrong with what he wrote.

I have the “Wear a helmet” battle with my 12 year old daily, simply because of the sheer number of dipshit parents in my town who allow their kids to ride their bikes up and down main roads without them. Now it’s if course become a “Cool kids don’t wear helmets” thing, and I have to fight with my son so he doesn’t

Those boards are scary fast

I do a lot of paved trail biking with my kids and I almost never see an electric skate boarders with a helmet. They’re usually wearing a back pack too, which will make that face plant even worse. Although before being a parent I too was an invincible bike/skateboard rider... Make helmets cool again. 

And be sure to actually strap them on properly! An unstrapped helmet is just an ugly hat

Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.

A helmet helps, but a lot of helmets won’t fully protect you from a concussion. I was cruising on the sidewalk at about 5mph wearing one last November, and got a concussion that I’m still dealing with today...

Yes. People without education are less educated.

Shame to hear of his passing.

I’m a huge grammar nerd but this is unnecessary. In this case it’s more important to listen to what he has in his heart than to make classist comments about how he got his message across. It’s a screenshot of the Notes app, posted to Instagram. He’s not submitting a statement to Congress.

Yes. Missing that education can follow a person around for life, especially if they’re in the public eye and have no opportunity to get grounded in the basics once they’re older--the whole “you don’t KNOW THAT?” scorn would be magnified exponentially.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if it worked out though?

See I still don’t care for the Biebs, his aesthetic and whatnot, but that doesn’t really matter. This is extremely respectable and very, very sharp of him. Kudos to his mental health team.

There were certainly quite a few years where you only heard stories about him being a terrible person, not even any neutral instances of, say, Bieber spotted acting normal and standing in line at Whole Foods. I hope he is really turning himself around. I wish him well, and hope he does better than She of the Fire

My son has similar dietary issues and he also has autism. He goes through phases where he's willing to try lots of new foods (but he doesn't like most of them) then phases where he drops stuff out of his diet seemingly overnight. 

Sauvage is the logical follow-up line to Jacobim Mugatu’s groundbreaking 2001 Derelicte.

“I want to smell like Johnny Depp’s pancho after his vision quest through the desert.” -Nobody Ever

Yeah, this was an extremely uninformative post. 

I can’t be the only one who’s reached the point of gives-no-fucks that I start helicoptering my junk behind Facetime guy, right?