Box Turtle

This is peak hypocricy. The war on terrorism is estimated to have killed 387,000 civilians.

This illustrates the problematic element of entertainers having consorted with— or even “initiated” into street-gang cohorts in their pre-fame years. Do they claim it like a fraternity? What are the benefits, post-fame, pragmatically speaking? Why claim it at all anymore? Ice-T was a crip in his youth but you don’t

“Could you imagine trying to find placement for someone like Tekashi? Where in the would would he be inconspicuous?!?

I wonder if that was before or after the face tattoos.

His exact retort to Charlemagne: “I LET MY NUTS HANG”

Ha! Now I see the Chris Brown resemblance I rolled my eyes at years ago when he mentioned it.

I guess you’re right - just getting him a new job is not gonna throw anybody off the trail. That picture looks like the guy you’d see running the Skittles Cartel in the gritty Candyland reboot.

Good. I hope they don’t go away. Fuck Randy Andy, the whiny Momma’s boy. 

tatted-tale turn-up

In an anime? 

Wonder if they’ll cover THIS in The Crown..

He’s been a dead clown walking for a while now.

The film is okay, but I think Zellweger elevates it to another level. I thought it was actually a strength that she didn’t try and imitate Judy, but rather makes the character her own. It’s sentimental, but I liked it, a lot. 

In the extremely unlikely event that he suffers even the mildest consequence for his sexual assault of a minor, it will only concern over optics that prompts action. None of these people give the slightest shit about the actual victim.

I legit LOLed at the “really, really average” kicker of all this. So accurate. I almost wish E! True Hollywood Story still existed so we could get the talking heads of their Canadian classmates saying like, “yeah, Drew was on student council...he was secretary.”

ALL OF THIS but also I think they were the kids in your school that did literally everything - band, sports, show choir oh god show choir, after-school customer service job, church, good grades, tutored other kids, etc. etc. etc. and they were really, really average at ALL OF IT.

Rather than throwing everything at the

He’ll ask you what music you want to listen to in the car, on his 8-track...

That is an absolutely wonderful summary of that film, and one that I personally adore. When I myself was asked to sum up Black Swan, I was like well, two chicks compete to see how can be the most sexually aggressive bird.

The Phantom of the Opera is terrible. The phantom is literally a basement dwelling incel, probably has a neck beard. Kidnaps women, kills two people while throwing a temper tantrum.

“He lives in Las Vegas, so they’ve seen each other in L.A.