Box Turtle

It’s as if none of them has a friend or relative who had a stroke. 

He shot her because he was going bald?

If only we could afford to!

A whole lot of people didn’t accept that their children were gay, and beat them. 

How does he not like an additional day off???

So disappointed. I loved him in Don’t Trust the B**** in Apartment 23. I thought he was self-awarely portraying himself as an airhead. Oops!

And she will wonder why they never call after they get out from under her roof. 

I’m wondering how far along you have to be to qualify for a certificate. Also, do they realize at least 10-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriages? They had better have a lot of toner cartridges.

What do they think will happen to the fetus if the woman dies? 

Thank you. 

Isn’t he the one who had all his military titles taken away last year and can no longer be called His Royal Highness anymore? And now he has to move to a less luxurious (but still luxurious) home. Poor thing  

I honestly wonder what they want couples who are already married to do. Would their marriage license be void? What if they leave Iowa, do they become married again or do they have to do it over? What if they come back? 

It’s his cousin, Ron De. 

AMEN. Every time I hear about someone’s “soul mate” I later hear about how badly the relationship blew up.

Meat eaters in my family claim not to be able to tell the difference.

Family members who are not vegetarians tell me it tastes good, and very similar to meat.

I will go on the record as saying that I am a vegetarian, and I eat total junk all the time. And I *love* the Impossible burger. Super tasty, and I can get it at a drive-through rather than having to slaughter a soy and cook it myself!

Not to take anything away from the rest of the article, but bra burning wasn’t really a thing. One bra was burned at a press conference.

She’s on the rebound from Tom Hiddleston.

Wherever he goes, the face tattoos aren’t going to help him.