Box Turtle

I’m sure she has “NO REGRATS”

She looks like what would happen if Lil Wayne ejaculated on a racist bag of flour. 

I think she just has a lower than average amount of blood, and it just takes less for her to get smashed.

This is practically a bat signal for Maroon 5 to swoop in and “save” the day.  And somewhere in a flat in London, Ed Sheeran’s ginger sense is tingling.

I think that WaPo article should be required reading for everyone.

Well, it depends on a lot of factors. Firstly, we have to establish the size of the cooler, then determine whether or not there was shelving in the cooler or if it was just a giant, cold room.

Secondly, we have to determine what types of bags were being used, and if those bags were all uniform in size. You could go

Let me do the math here... Hold on... Carry the one... Multiply by pi... Ah, here it is: a shit ton.

One or two, depending on how deep management of the company is.

LOL @ Goop talking about being put in a box

Okay, but stepping on a scale isn’t every woman’s nightmare. The possibility of seeing a certain number on a scale isn’t every woman’s nightmare.

There is so much wrong here... Why do people with little to no medical/health education feel they’re the best people tell us what we should be doing with our bodies? It just happens all.the.bloody.time. I’m so sick of it. And it’s not just fluff that is stupid but doesn’t really impact people. It’s stupid ideas like

I’m not the only one imagining a tractor pull am I?

Oh, so this is a crime all of a sudden? Thanks Obama.

“What are you in for?”

I recognize that this is discussing a very important issue (so no, I’m not taking it lightly at all), but I’m glad I’m not the only one who did a double take upon quickly glancing over the title and thought “’Doctor Who Claims Medical Abortions Can Be Reversed’? Well of course he/she does they’re a time lord. But why

Doctor Who said what now?

Horrible story, but I definitely read the title too quickly and thought this was an article about ‘Doctor Who’. I’m glad the Doctor’s credentials are not suspect. Sorry, I’ll go back to io9 now.

the memory of our whole city mourning/celebrating him in purple, the bridge lights, clothes, windows covered in cloth, the ribbons on everyone’s cars for all still brings a lump to my throat. It was such a beautiful community tribute.

Correction. Janet Jackson never exposed her nipple. She had a pastie on.