Box Turtle

Rob Kardashian is upset Chyna is on vacation while she has custody of their two-year-old, Dream

Skip over Among the Shadows, head straight for What We Do in the Shadows. Be werewolves, not swearwolves.

She’s 32.  That’s some hard, hard living right there.  

It’s so sad. She doesn’t seem very healthy.

Is Lindsay even 30 yet? Bless her heart, she looks about my age and I’m about to be 48. 

Writer of Fight Club? Also gay. Much to the chagrin of his nihilistic straight male fans I suspect. 

Rebbie and LaToya did come out later in the 90s and say Joe sexually abused them. And Katherine knew about it. Some nights, she would tell Joe to stop to let them get some sleep, per LaToya’s book. Rebbie moved out of the home when she was 16. I know everyone says she’s the crazy Jackson, but I do believe she got

I disagree. The real tragedy are his victims. Another way of looking at Michael Jackson is he crafted a persona that appealed to children. Mild- mannered. Child-like. His home was built to entice children. All to create the perfect environment for a predator. People act like Michael Jackson was some sort of naive waif

Interesting that 99% of us piled on a dopey looking football coach, but a lot of people still have mixed or positive feelings about Michael Jackson. He and Jerry Sandusky used the exact same line: I’m not a child molester. I’m just a big kid who likes to hang around kids. Maybe Jerry didn’t sell enough albums to get

Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.

Let us please also not forget the suffering inflicted on the spouses in those cases who will have spent years of their life in one sided, passionless, doomed marriages. 

“Drinking is fine, live your life, but Annie (if I may call you that?), try weed!!!”

It seems to me that if it’s up to stores to keep cigarettes and alcohol out of the hands of teenagers, then it’s up to stores to keep e-cigs out of the hands of teenagers, not the manufacturers..

I think the dog was just trying to get away from those ugly ass man-dals.

Not only would I not go around kicking one of those things, but I sure as hell would not do it wearing sandals.

would donate

How soon before we start to get the PSAs on television with AI Sarah McLachlan asking for donations to help the abused robot dogs?

I don’t know if I could bring myself to be that mean to that adorable dog - robot or not.

I saw Monkey Shines as well, not a great idea as a pet

Yeah, if a grizzly wants to eat you, it eats you.