Box Turtle

Why did they not just do it with humans in fanciful costumes, the way the stage play did? It was fun and effective (unless you hate it, obviously), and nary a trip to the Uncanny Valley.

Believe Women.
Believe Truth.

Having used both, I say WINDOW UNITS. The portable machines are huge and awkward, and there’s the whole thing about where to put the hoses. Window units are cheap, and work great if you get one with enough power for your space.

Having used both, I say WINDOW UNITS. The portable machines are huge and awkward, and there’s the whole thing about

If people were still too stressed by their job to think of ways to survive after they started smelling smoke

Another woman dead for not behaving the way her (ex?) boyfriend wanted her to!

Not sure what she means by “astro-gliding”, but Astroglide is a popular brand of lube available in most drugstores.

Don’t forget Liam Neeson.

I had him confused with Mystery. Now I dislike him less.

I love them. Penn Gillette offstage is kind of obnoxious, but the magic act is perfection.

Oh, I didn’t know he has passed away. I’m sad, although he obviously lived a truly amazing life.

He must own stock in Botox!

Several sources I found state that the insanity defense is used 1-2% of the time, and of that percent, it only works around 25% of the time.

I read this in TMZ:

I have this theory.

Hardly anybody took Trump seriously until it was too late.

Now we’re talking business!

And you’d get much better value for your money.

Oh my goodness, it took me a minute to realize that was a tattoo. I thought it was a largish areola.

I read that as “the closet”.

The goth grandson is pretty, that’s for sure. He’s got my vote, beats the hell out of the bland lineup.