Box Turtle

It’s not pedantry. It’s correct, despite the fact that lots of people use the word wrong.

Chemicals make the world go around!

It does you no favors to insist on using a popular but incorrect belief about what a chemical actually is.

keeps him grounded

I remember hearing that some of the students in this mess actually had their heads photoshopped onto actual athletes. I wonder if the Loughlin girls did that?

The important word here is “had.”

If they didn’t want to go on trail, and have their daughters on the stand, they shouldn’t have cheated their way into USC.

Justin Bieber’s long hair never looked like an actual style. It always looked like he couldn’t be bothered to get it cut.

Many ancient peoples went to a lot of trouble getting their babies’ heads flat! It marked them as the elite. I say go with it.

I think it is SUPER IMPORTANT for people to make sure they really WANT to have a kid. Too many people have children because they are expected to, because it’s what comes next after marriage, because their parents want to be grandparents. They dare not tell anyone - even themselves - if they regret it.

I’m not remotely surprised by this, considering the mad hype surrounding CBD.

But it’s NATURAL!!!!


Yeah, he was so adamant about hating it, never wanting to do it again, etc. I was shocked when I read that he WAS going to be doing it again.

A lot of this is good advice for living with ANYONE.

Just what I was thinking. Why is it a problem if he had a book about a woman?

Loki’s been a man, Loki’s been a woman, Loki’s had a horse baby (which he gave to Odin! It’s his favorite horse! It has eight legs!). I can easily see Loki sleeping with somebody just to spite his brother.

Oh, Steve/Bucky. Please, let a good thing happen to Bucky.

Just looked him up, NOT A PENNY for that asshole.

That first story... I can’t even REFER to it... ugh!!!