Box Turtle

Well, that explains all the “New policies” ads that have been popping up when I read on my phone!


I was 15, sleeping over at a friend’s house, when I woke up with her father lifting up my nightgown. I sat up and YELLED, and he basically ran off. Never told anybody, never slept over with that friend again. It’s not the 8-year-olds I had to worry about!

“Dahvie the Elite Hair God”

I love Nick Cave. Especially in Murder Ballads, he takes the tawdry to the great heights.

And thus was gangsta rap born.

I think it’s more likely that it triggers psychosis, particularly schizophrenia, in those who already have a genetic tendency for it. They might have got it anyway, but not as early.

I would argue that pot smokers and hippie organic food enthusiasts are pretty common examples of people who believe things that aren’t necessarily so.

Agreed. It’s always easy to believe something that you already do, and enjoy, is in some way healthy and/or helpful.

They have silicone rings to avoid that very injury.

The diamond engagement ring “tradition” was made up by the diamond cartel in 1938. Before WWII, only 10% on engagement rings were diamonds.

Oh yeah, the ads on the radio always talk about it being an “investment.” I’m sure they’ll pay you more than you bought it for.

My ex’s mother offered me his great-grandmother’s beautiful ring. I loved it and considered it an honor. When we broke up, I sent it back to his mother. I still miss having that sparkly thing on my hand.

$50 silver band engraved with the phrase, “This is a ring, not the ring”

Pete Buttigieg hates Chick-fil-A’s politics, but loves the chicken!

I don’t think he understands that Puerto Rico is part of the US.

In music, the nicest people I ever met when I was in radio were They Might Be Giants. When I met them backstage, John Linnell gave me potato chips ON A PLATE and opened a coke for me. They both talked about books they were reading and how much fun they were having.

There are PLENTY enough true tales to make a list of REAL facts.

And this is the very best one.

There is a Sad Keanu Action Figure (made with 3D printer) you can buy. See him in, uh, action here: