Box Turtle


make them all kiss

<i>having to work for things and share some sense of a common reality would be the best outcome</i>

Is there actually demand for this guy to be in a scene? Because he appears to be a creepy little troll. Are there no good-looking men to cast?

Well, this is what we’ve all learned from romantic comedies: the girl only THINKS she doesn’t want you! Just persevere! If you keep on haunting and stalking and making crazy scenes, SHE WILL FALL IN LOVE!!!

Many trans people don’t get bottom surgery - it’s expensive and rarely covered by insurance. The results may be less than desirable.

At the least, he should use the most effective birth control possible. If he NEVER wants a child, he should get a vasectomy.


I once had a contract at a company that had a sizable group of right-wing employees who loved to praise Bush. I kept my head down, worked hard, and thanked god for headphones.

I had forgotten all about that mess. Now I have to go down the rabbit hole to see what has happened since last I heard.

Believe me, I’m with you there.

Nobody can tell the Hemsworths apart. They should wear nametags.

Make Ghostbusters Great Again!

Together, they raise Loki’s 8-legged horse baby.

Methos forever!

Here’s Calvin. For some reason his picture didn’t show up.

Here’s my good boy Calvin. He went off to Bifrost six years ago, and I still think of him every day.

That article has the family saying:

So, where is this running? Is it a Netflix thing, or a go-to-the-movies thing?

Allen Ginsberg. Which I find horrifying, because he was one of my favorite poets.