Box Turtle

The majority of abused children do not go on to abuse other children. I have some sympathy towards Michael’s horrific childhood, but that does not mean it was inevitable that he would become an abuser himself.

Could he have used a regular gun with a laser sighter? I see those on TV all the time.

So basically they’re hacking monkeys.

I really felt bad for it. It trusted that guy! Poor robotic good boy.

WHO THINKS MONKEYS ARE GOOD PETS in this day and age? Neither the owner nor the monkey ends up enjoying the experience.

Thanks for letting me know it isn’t just me! I never get to see these dogs and gowns and what have you. 

“No, thank you” should not be dangerous to say. 

We had one of those when I was a kid. SO PRETTY. 

He knows if they are sleeping, he knows when they’re awake... is he Santa?

If I’m not mistaken, lying is OK when protecting the Church. 

Great, now he’s being typecast as recent-historical dickheads. 


This is probably kind of corny of me, but this all makes me so sad! I just want all the Avengers to be happy, living in HQ having movie nights. 

God knows, in real life we’re doing a bang up job eliminating large animals! 

Best Christmas movie ever! 

I’m wondering if this does affect fanart, since it says “real life.” 

Didn’t AO3 run DreamWidth? That’s a Livejournal clone that a lot of fandom went to when LJ got to be a problem. 

No mpreg? Why do I even bother? 

Why bother to go to Starbucks if I can’t watch porn?

Honestly, I’m amazed it doesn’t happen to more people. Having been close to friends and family doing the big white wedding thing, I have never seen people being more stressed out.