Box Turtle

I actually like the “Kingdom” series, and Melancholia too. You couldn’t pay me to see the rest. 

I was about to post that it seems influenced by Adventure Time - which is fine by me because I want all the Adventure Time-like stuff I can get. 

When I was married, GOD FORBID the dog (a dear sweet pug) should sleep in the bed, my husband WOULD NOT HAVE IT. When we broke up, it was just me and the pug and the cat, and it was some of the best sleep I’ve ever had. Pug snored only a tiny bit, compared with husband.

People who release non-native species into either urban or wild habitats make me so mad. Either the animals (or plants) die of starvation or inappropriate climate, or they thrive and cause serious trouble. Here in Florida we have pythons and iguanas people released because they are very high-maintenance pets. We also

>Usually peoples sexual perversions are not brought up in kids shows, we have adult gay shows for that<

Exactly. Cyborgs can marry in the Doctor Who universe, so Star Wars needs to step up to the plate. 

I got this in the last few years of my marriage. I got screamed at, called stupid, called “not a real partner” because I could not find a job (my field went to hell during the tech bust and still hasn’t recovered). 

C3-PO and R2-D2 are the most long lived and healthiest couple in the entire Star Wars universe 

At least it hasn’t got Johnny Depp in it. I hope. 

Evil Pug! He will greet you at the Rainbow Bridge with a shiv behind his back. 

Wedding dresses were not anything except the bride’s best dress until Queen Victoria set the Big White Dress style with her wedding. (Her husband brought the concept of Christmas trees over from Germany. They were big time influencers. )


Don’t forget the 911 conspiracy theorists! And the anti vaccination people come from both right and left (it’s sort of touching, seeing them get along like that).

Are you kidding? Complainers? My whole family yells out “STAN!!” when he appears. 

Many years ago, my best friend and I were at a club dancing. She took off her hoodie and accidentally clocked a guy behind us in the head with it.

My pug went to PetSmart for a grooming as needed. It was around $20, and worth it for the anal gland cleaning alone. Also the nail trimming, because he fought and squealed like a monster was killing him when I did it myself. 

I guess he was so used to the pickling that he thought he needed heatstroke on top of it. 

I worry that they are some kind of inbred monstrosity cats who aren’t really able to enjoy their short lives.

A really bad movie, which I loved. 

They’d better not blink.