So, when did everyone else from Connecticut fully check out?
So, when did everyone else from Connecticut fully check out?
TBS airs reruns a lot. I think there’s two scheduled hours a day, plus they plug it in gaps elsewhere.
I’ve done multiple cheese tours in Wisconsin and Vermont, because cheese tourism is a thing and you should try it, and to me, Vermont wins without a fight. Every once in a while I try another Wisconsin cheese and find myself disappointed again that it’s not as great as I thought it would be. Am I somehow consistently…
Friends at NARA and LOC have said that both agencies have spoken with the White House about this multiple times and been completely brushed off. It’s very demoralizing for them. The White House staff genuinely don’t care about the needs and functions of other civil servants.
Hah, I almost posted that myself but didn’t want Toby/Mark to feel like a victim who deserves sympathy. :P
Mark Halperin: America’s Toby.
I loved how he kept going to Cabinet nomination hearings and positioning himself in the frame.
So you’re saying you didn’t like the joke.
Oh, apparently this was already covered, so nvm:
I loved Mulaney/Kroll’s joke about that: Affleck had to play a guy from outside Boston who lives in the shadow of his older brother? Yeah, what a reach.
Related: Anyone else following the Kenneth Lonergan/Wesleyan shitfit? In summary: Lonergan attended Wesleyan for a year or two, Wesleyan congratulated him on his screenwriting Oscar for “Manchester,” a (male, yay!) columnist for the student paper wrote that it was in poor taste for a college experiencing a sexual…
There’s a saying in recovery communities: “Why do people use drugs? Because they work.” High-demand religions work for some people, in that they fill some kind of need in a way that other things haven’t. It’s like...why do people sell leggings, or join Toastmasters, or hike the Andes, or do anything else they do? …
I was raised in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Most of my family disowned me when I left, to the point that they consider me literally dead (because I am dead to God). My doctor was a JW, so I had to get a new one. All of my friends were gone overnight. I struggled to get a GED because I’d been “homeschooled” (except…
My dudes, link to the local paper that actually reported this:
Can’t wait for a kid to fall off the top level and tumble down the stairs, collecting gobs of gum and nacho cheese clumps along the way.
On this International Women’s Day, I’d like you to know that I’m objectifying you right now, HamNo.
Although her Instagram seems to have been scrubbed, she’s known for being a partier. I hope she maintains her own sobriety so they can be healthy together. <3