
It was actually a “pack,” not a “pair,” which is even worse because it’s so dehumanizing and shows that he views Black men as wild, predatory animals.

I love that spat. Spicer was born in Rhode Island, NYT describes him as “New England-bred,” Spicer complains that they got his birthplace wrong. Does he...not know?

He’s a behind-the-camera person shoved into a front-of-camera role. Interviews are torture for most of those folks.

Oh man, you are just a treat in these threads.

My sister and I were just talking about how it was a “Dad move,” referring to our fire captain father. He’s exactly that way in stressful situations, and sometimes it stings a little in the moment, but you’re always grateful in the end that he simply *handles* shit and doesn’t let people dick around. It’s assertion,

The most telling thing about that moment is how he looked right into the crowd and his hand never shook. It was an authoritative (in the best sense) reaction. Something wrong had happened and he wanted to swiftly and clearly resolve it.

Various entertainment reporters on Twitter are saying that he felt the need to set things straight and hand over the card and trophy. He was basically atoning to Jenkins, who is a friend. It may not have looked perfect, but in the moment, it was the right thing to do. Another reason to respect him for how he

“Spawtlight” also won for screenplay.

Because he’s a wrestler. Wrestlers wanna wrestle. Besides that, he needs to compete in high school in order to be recruited for a college scholarship.

That’s why so many of the young women facing him have forfeited; they don’t want to risk injury. And at least based on the interviews I’ve read, it looks like they respect him and acknowledge his gender, so it’s not an “ew, trans” thing. They just don’t want to get hospitalized.

Don’t forget the costs associated with travel. I know a few standups who spend more paying for transport and lodging than they actually take home. A friend of mine took a job as emcee at a comedy club just so he can stay in one spot. Which is a bummer when you consider that his dream is to do full sets, but

Not unique at all. I’ve lived in several states since the rise of Eminem, and I’ve heard him on rock and alternative stations in all. My teenage station (WMRQ/Radio 104 in Hartford) was a particularly notable offender with that.

Rushed to the comments to also be That Person. It’s “The Brit Awards” or “The Brits,” not both. Kinda like how it’s not “The Grammys Awards.”

Related: Remember when alternative rock stations were in love with Dynamite Hack’s whitest cover ever of “Boyz in the Hood”? Even then, that was palpably racist shit.

Agree with the general sentiment, but the Beastie Boys were definitely rap and rock, which is why both communities embraced them as their own. They used to get play on rap stations, though that changed as the years went on. I’m good with them on either platform.