
I have missed this particular part of The Instagrams, and I’m suddenly so happy about that.

“the nail polish community”


Don’t need to ‘cause they’re LEADING THIS THING. *Connecticut happy dance*

Mark, my dream boyfriend! How is your life/husband/teaching/writing about prolapsed anuses going?

I’m so sorry. <3 I know what it’s like to live in fear of being disowned. No one should have to be afraid to be themselves.

Ugh, no, at least I can afford TBS. If it goes the way of Oliver, I’ll be stuck with out-of-order, incomplete clips on YouTube.


You left out the worst parts:

Right down to what looks like an Iron Cross tattoo on his shoulder.

I thought it was only Charlie Sheen who shot an ex while “playing” with a gun. Holy hell, how often does this happen?

(I posted in the wrong thread, it seems.)

Six episodes of pure perfection.

You should love Andy all the time! He is a hardcore feminist ally who goes on amazing righteous rants. His wife is Sarah Thyre, the abortion rights activist. He is a huge backer of women in comedy, LGBT rights, etc. Mocks — super intelligently — the idiocy of racist and bigoted public policy. Dude’s a gem.

Is she ex-Mormon? I thought she was still involved. I know she did her mission in France and met her husband there.

When you see footprints beside you? It was then that the metal carried you.

They were on “Conan” last week as Eagles of Death Metal. Not great, tbh, but I tried to like them because of their story. After this...nope.

Eagle fuel can’t death metal.

I’ve really liked the Lumia 920. I’ve been using it since 2013 and it’s perfect for my needs. The only problem has always been with apps. If there had been better incentives for developers to make Windows apps, the phones would’ve done just fine.