
As a certified man-hating feminist, I’m mostly offended that we’re depicted wearing one of those terrible half-Grecian, half-sweetheart necklines. What, has this comic been on hold since the 2008 prom season?

As we always say at our man-hating conventions, a dead man is a girl’s best friend!

I want to go see it, but I’m afraid it’s going to be a Trainwreck situation culminating in violence. The anger and organizing against this film from MRAs is incredible. I’m genuinely concerned about what’s going to happen opening weekend.

She’s the oldest SNL cast member...that should tell us something. She had to scrap for decades to get where she is, while people like Allison Williams just wake up one day and decide they’re a celebrity.

Anderson is highly intelligent, so I feared he’d suffered some kind of TBI in the green room until I realized Lara Logan was contagious.

You’re a feminist who says “hysterical”...k.

I know the reviews weren’t the greatest, but I really liked that one-season NBC show (State of Affairs). At least the first half of the season, anyway, before it got all fixated on Islamic terrorism. Then it was just another Middle America Hour of Fear. But when it was a different case each week, it was good, and she

So much for his much-vaunted“HeForShe” support. I guess he’s more “HeForSheUnlessBeingForSheIsLessLucrativeForHe.”

Hammond’s book was so heartbreaking. He didn’t even try to make it funny, and I don’t blame him. I wanted to hold him at points.

Of course it is. If this election cycle has taught us anything, it’s that assholes love rewarding other assholes on GoFundMe.

Or her lying disorder.


This actually made me well up. I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I want to go yell at someone at ABC on your behalf, but since I’m pretty sure that would get me arrested, I suppose I’ll just be kind to others, since apparently the world is lacking that.

Is John Krasinski hinting that he’s the new Jack Ryan, perhaps?