
It’s April 12th.

dammit they took my freakin kidney

It will help guide our way to Candy Mountain, Charlieeeeeee.

Same way people can dispute the spherical nature of the planet or plate tectonics. People are really fucking stupid.

Maybe EA are trying to get him with the Madden Curse.

Rest assured, Schreier, the ravages of old age will deal with the Brady far more cruelly than we ever could have.

I think they are pointing and laughing at the “real people” in the Chevy ads...


I think it is awesome and would drive one in a second. But this is coming from someone who would love to have a Yugo so maybe my sense of reasoning is a bit off.

You get a star just for Burkina faso.

“Coming this summer, The Fast And The Furious 23, starring Peter Dinklage...”

My dad got a 126 for commuting to grad school back around 1974 or so as a replacement for a Simca. Now, this story might sound really boring if you thought I grew up in Provence or Liege or maybe even Suffolk.

Nowadays, women only laugh at salads that vigorously.

You expect me to settle for a common engine like a V-8? What, do you want me to be mistaken for a poor?

Beating a dead horse to save 3 seconds sounds like it would be a real technique from Oblivion.

I feel you. Its like saying “Race you downstairs!” and jumping out the window.

I don’t enjoy glitch runs but very much appreciate your explanation of what people see in them.

I’m just shocked the game didn’t crash at least once

I can’t even get through a character configurator in that amount of time. This is just crazy.

You’ve got that backwards. Glitch running a Bethesda game is like running through a mine field. You never know when you’ll get a glitch that ruins your run.