I .... umm ... I uh .... I kind of agree with .... oh fuck it ... I agree with everything John Tortorella says here.
I .... umm ... I uh .... I kind of agree with .... oh fuck it ... I agree with everything John Tortorella says here.
Unnecessary? Maybe. Stat padding? Is it easier to steal a base when you have a 7 run lead than when you have a 1 run lead? Still 90 feet and a professional catcher behind the plate, right? I guess if the down team has quit, maybe it is. But then, what’s the beef about? I kept playing when you quit? Come on, there’s…
Coriolis Effect. Duh.
A) Possibility 1: someone thought this venue was a good idea for her to be seen in and maybe even leaked it (not too likely, but not impossible either)
I would read it and encourage you to post it. Give it a caveat up front and the reader can choose whether to read or not. As a human, I know what I see as wrong. I’d love to read the policy/legal reasons as well.
Can I suggest one way to start fixing things? Stop saying things like this:
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to any of your concerns about docs and nurses and medical conditions, I don’t doubt you. It’s just the sentence sequencing there that made me spit out my bourbon a little!
“that fat golfer??” You know Phil Mickelson is 8th highest paid athlete of all time? He’s made more than 3/4 of a BILLION dollars according to Forbes, apparently while not being an athlete. Go hit a golf ball straight over 250 yards 5 times in a row, followed by hitting it within 10 feet of any spot of your choosing 5…
First, that’s the most interested I’ve been in baseball in maybe 20 years. More of this please. Do more of this like the NHL and what used to be HBO’s series leading up to the outdoor classic, whatever that was called. I generally hate the in game interview stuff, that’s totally made for TV and is butt. But the small…
I starred this, not because I exactly follow your logic here, but because I get the feeling that if shit got real with some suburban golf bros in a golf cart fender bender or whatever, that you just might have my back. Solid.
This is a very sore spot you are picking at here friend. I have looked into this in the past. Had big designs on what I could do with a golf cart. Found out golf carts have model years, just like cars! And are priced .... just like cars!!! I was thinking I could pick up a sweet rig for like $1500. Nope, that’s chump…
Hold on, that bullshit chain link fence is $50k??? And that rolling garage door is $25k? Are they buying these items at Neiman Marcus? Shop around boys, I think you can get better prices.
I especially enjoyed the “You think because you’re on the East coast, you got some power?”
So, having viewed this replay now, Tom Wilson is suspended for 3 games, right?
I am a big Caps fan and have obviously enjoyed their run to the Cup. But the last 24 hours of following on twitter where the team and the cup have been and how they’ve been celebrating have been so wildly entertaining. This story is just scratching the surface!
Yeah, but the name checks out.
This guy is like the guy who narrates what a mime is doing and asks the mime questions about what they’re doing. Fucking great, now I’m defending mimes over here.
That’s a good story. A really good story. I can relate to a lot of it (not the part about POTUS offering condolences), and it got me teary eyed and chucking all at once. And that’s a pretty underrated emotional state.