A River of Bourbon Runs Through It

Off sides. (I think.)


Oh my god. If you have no fear of rabbit holes, go ahead and google up machine gifs. ENDLESS. STARING.

When I see sidewalk chalk art on my driveway or walkway or even the side of my brick garage, I usually go something more along the lines of “WHEN I FIND THE TAGGERS WHO CHALKED THIS UP, I AM GOING TO TURN THE POWER WASHER ON THEM BEFORE CLEANING THIS OFF!” It’s subtle, but it works.

I watched this gif for an indefensible amount of time. Now I want to go to the hanger factory or wherever to see this happen. Who knew this was a thing?

I clicked on the Youtube video. Holy shit. It’s a US Postal truck driving through the the post-apocalyptic wasteland that used to be Santa Rosa and he’s STILL DELIVERING THE MAIL!!! It’s insanity! And then there’s one shot of these two houses that are like an island of spared real estate in the middle of this


It’s Costco. Shut down the comments. Cosco is the answer.

Wait, can you not see the headbands??

This is false. Born in DC and lived my entire life in MD and VA. Water fountain. You probably just ran into some Masshole carpetbagger on the Mall.


Dear NFL,

Take that a step further. Even if you DO stand in your living room with your hand over your year heart, even if you spent your whole life fighting for this country and its freedoms, even if you did all that, if you don’t get that among the freedoms you were defending were actions JUST LIKE what NFL players are doing

Nice try Black Widow that learned to type and blog. “Patrick,” indeed.

There is some very good advice here. I would highlight that if you can afford it, hire a geriatric care counselor and an elder care attorney. These are very expensive, but consider them experts in the process and the landscape of all these facilities who have the experience to know the good from the less good and

Any word on who was awarded the game ball?

Are you looking for a good home for some stray dogs? I might know a guy.

Dear NBA: No one needs a memo from you or anyone to remind us of what and how we can or should express ourselves about when we think something is wrong. That’s not how expression of those ideas works. Not really a complicated concept actually.

Pop is the angry grampa we all wish we had. He’s grouchy and has no filters, and almost everything he says is gold.

EXACTLY RIGHT! (*as long as you exclude the player closest to him, #34 who has his hand on his shoulder)