A River of Bourbon Runs Through It

I agree with your first sentence. After that it gets a little murky. But focusing on that first thought, I’ve long believed for penalties like this in football and hockey too, if you commit something like this that is so flagrant, and penalized as such — targeting — penalties in games suspended should only begin

Possibly overstated, but I think this is so much closer to the truth than most people are willing to admit.

this post deserves more attention. So dumb, and I love.

Wow, so many words, so much tap dancing. You can be supportive, constructive and honest all at the same time. Even if you thought she’d laugh it off, it helps to try not to be a dick while you’re offering critical suggestions, even if what you’re talking about appears to be a salmonella fish frappe. Cooking is not

Wow, that is incredible. Jaw dropping. WHY IS THE HATCHBACK OPEN?!?!

So dumb. And yet, I laughed involuntarily. Star issued without hesitation. Excellent name too. Good day, sir or madam.

Can you explain? That’s the second post about that. What’s the setting where a jacket and tie is a problem enough that someone says don’t wear it? I get where it might not fit with how others typically dress, but I’m not seeing the how it’s a problem that needs addressing angle?

Thermapen has changed my cooking life. Perfectly moist chicken and pork, burgers cooked to whatever spec people want reliably, steak absolutely perfect every time. And it’s not about being perfect, it’s about consistently cooking it to the way you like it, and adjusting in accurate increments if you need some trial

Bundy threw a complete-game, one-hit shutout against the Mariners, which would be a notable feat for any Baltimore pitcher given how few and far between their complete game efforts are of any sort.

The barrel roll at the end was a little over dramatic. And it’s ok to smile a little after that play. Just ask your pitcher. His expression is EVERYTHING.

Hmmm. Guess not. My football playing career was very short and undistinguished, as was I, myself. I don’t remember this drill at all! I think I’ve seen it done before, but I had no idea that’s what it was called. I think I’ll call that the new thing I learned today and take the rest of the day off.

Whoa whoa whoa. Hard. Stop. What in the name of unholy Pete is a monkey roll????

This this the ACTUAL crime that is not being addressed. Who does that? Animals, that’s who.

Wow, you’d choose to get pegged by the NFL owners AND the airlines?! You, sir, are a punishment pioneer. I am duly impressed and horrified.

Very easy to say that someone who makes $450k can easily come up with 25k in cash. Because $450k is a lot of money, no doubt. But break it down a little. That person is taking home about $270k after just taxes. That’s before mortgage, cars, whatever else the average football player has filled that vacuum with.

OK, that made me laugh. And it it also make me look closer at other reactions. So check out this quintet of characters on the right side of the screen and zoom in on them in the gif. I’m imagining them like a barbershop quintet of reactions, each bringing a different tone. You have red shirt with the lean point

I like how the ref’s head snaps back in that gif, like he felt the blow too. Good work, sir.

Whoa. Easy there, tiger. Kind of the whole point of this website, no?

I think they’re allowed to do an international summer exhibition trip once every three years or something like that? But the answer is yes they can do it, just not all the time. I think the teams may even be allowed offer fan packages to travel “with the team” which is mostly just the same as if your team is in the

Oh hey, thanks. I was hoping someone would answer that question literally.