A River of Bourbon Runs Through It

Hi, Vacation Dad here, checking in. All of this behavior here is perfectly acceptable vacation dad material. NEARLY all of it. It is the filming of self and posting of collage of videos with captions that takes you from Vacation Dad to Vacation Douche. Sorry Lebron, I wanted to be on your side on this one.

Came here to make some crack about being too cheap even to splurge for serifs or something. This is better. Thank you for your service.

Interesting observation, never heard that about quality of bits. Have any suggestions? I’m not considering this set. I have a jillion bits but I have no real idea if they’re “higher end” or not. Most of what I’m using now (and I do precious little handy work but enough that I like having the right tool for the

Interesting observation, never heard that about quality of bits. Have any suggestions? I’m not considering this

Hey short-fused Russian Tennis Guy? Bribes are paid BEFORE the match in the West, mmmK? And coins probably aren’t gonna get it done. Don’t come with that weak ass soup and then walk away all pissy like there’s someone else to blame. You just suck at bribes. That’s all it is.

An astute viewer phoned in and let rules officials know that in the course of fleeing from the aggressive moose, Blue Shorts grazed his ball, causing it to move. As he did not penalize himself, and he signed an inaccurate scorecard. He was therefore disqualified from the round, and banned from golf for life.

You might have a valid question on other days, but not when it comes to celebrating Independence Day in this country. Even “Flag Day” (yeah, we have that) isn’t a more appropriate time to celebrate the icon we hold to represent our country and independence. It’s probably the only day that waiving the flag and

Yeah, you’re a butthole. And my post comes with more supporting material than yours.

Well congratulations. You’ve just demonstrated how to suck the joy out of life by dissecting a child’s game with mathematical probabilities. Happy 4th Nick.

Chrissakes. Were some laboring under the impression that baseball needs more arcane wonky stuff, and this is the best effort to overcome that? I think I blacked out when I got to the first scatter plot graph. **gets beaned in the back**

His shorts look like he or someone else splooged all over them. Those are dumb shorts.

Now playing

I wish I had access to the water balloon “technology” that my kids do. This is a generational game changer.

Maybe I read your column, maybe I didn’t.

Welcome back Jolie! You have been missed. And I have a question, but it has nothing to do with this column whatsoever. Where can I ask it?

I shall heretofore be known as “The Right Honorable Earl of Whoever-This-Blonde-Lass-With-the-Panty-Hose-in-Her-Hair-Down-Front-Center-is-Texting.” Bit of a mouthful, isn’t it?


He is in the right position and the puck just ended up in a spot where he couldn’t see it. So he’s right to blow it dead. But he was too fast and what he failed to do is skate in from the corner to get a better look before blowing it dead. I think Forsberg and the Penguin defender skated right into his line of


I don’t give a crap what he “is,” because yes, he’s a fantastic player. Anyone who questions that is a fool. What is obnoxious is when he does things like this, he comes out smelling like a rose and Pens fans are all like “what? you just dislike him because he’s good.” Hell I’d respect you more if you just called

Remember when Nancy Kerrigan saying showing off her medal with Micky Mouse was corny and so dumb was considered a disgrace and an embarrassment to our country? Like, that was a *big* deal. Yeahhhhhhhhhh.

Oh good grief. Unless the people who live around you are awful people (and it sure sounds like there are some of those described here), get to know your neighbors a little. You all are too young to be shut ins. When did The Youngs decide it’s every man for himself? The terrible people described in some of these