A River of Bourbon Runs Through It

I’m so disappointed in myself for laughing at and starring this. But here we are.

No I’m not. I think it’s one of many arrows in the quiver for pennies. But it sounds like you are completely discounting the potential value.

Someone else asked this question too. I think the NHL has a vested interest in getting more eyes on their sport. I don’t think it is a great leap of faith to say that promoting & supporting the USWNT would be consistent with that goal. A similar example would be that USA Hockey — in partnership with the NHL — gives

This is awesome. Both that they got some change and that they’ll play. Win-win. Way to go ladies. But come on USA Hockey. Quick math says, what are we talking about here, $1.5M - 2.0M/yr max? Are you kidding me with breaking your pick over that? Could the NHL really not fund that in the name of spreading the

Really. You love to watch Chris Stewart work? You should watch that at 1/4 speed. Start at about 0:13 and go to about 0:20. And then pick it up at about 0:45 and go to about 1:00 or so. Take note of who drops the gloves first and how many punches Stewart absorbs and how many punches he lands. Answer key:

This right here is what I thought too. What a bitch move to throw all those jabs when you’re down. I get that Wilson’s probably got to answer for the high stick and mostly because Wilson’s got a rap sheet. That’s fine, Caps fans love him other fans hate him and we can all have a detente with that state of affairs.

Sir, you can’t hit from First Base, it doesn’t matter how strong you are. All hitting must be done from home plate. Maybe if power hitter Julio spent a little more time learning the rules, he’d have had a better shot to make the bigs. Just a thought.

Jeesuz Soccer. What the hell, man. It’s like you don’t want people to like you. We watch all the dives and flops where guys act out death scenes from Greek tragedies, and then get up and carry on like nothing ever happened. No big deal. I just spent 3 1/2 minutes of my life watching a guy walk around shaking

exactly. And it’s not just true of health care. These tea partiers and freedom caucus people have no care if the positions they take are workable or have any real world implications. They just want bumpersticker solutions to incredibly complex issues that are often interrelated. And nearly half the country just

That’s just not true. And I’m not paying him any sort of compliment here. And of course he’s been surrounded by plenty of people who know these fundamentals. These aren’t sophisticated or complicated concepts. They’re basic truths of insurance. They just don’t want the rest of us to have to help pay for those who

I think the answer lies in the fact that there are no silver bullets when it comes to insurance. Republicans knew this, but it was much easier to demagogue the issue and shoot at the Evil Obamacare. Oh the turrible turrible mandates and penalties. These aren’t novel concepts that Democrats magically dreamed up.

It doesn’t congeal??

I love this idea. I’m gonna go in the other direction from everyone. Substitute whiffle ball bats for all this other stuff. I will joust you in the nuts, bap you smartly in the ear, and you will be stunned and briefly humiliated and I will make whichever base. But you will still be able to play, and we can even

Not if you capitalize Canuck. Inverse rule applies to Democrat in the States. (Btw, once some of you crazies do that long division, just STFU, I’m a D so it’s self loathing, which is allowed.)

Kid, this was your free tryout for the US Olympic Curling team and you straight blew it. SWEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!

I mean, Chicks. Amirite??

Ketchup. With crab. You fucking savage.


I don’t know what the hell I just watched there. But I am intrigued by this lady’s apparently sheer bathing suit. I’d like to know more....

“privileges???” Oh no you don’t you m-f’er. This is my God-given RIGHT that’s right there in the DaGUM CONSTITUTION!!! Just another f’ing LIBTARD trying to wreck America.