Anytime there’s even a tenuous connection for it to be appropriate to watch this, I’m happy.
Anytime there’s even a tenuous connection for it to be appropriate to watch this, I’m happy.
Hold on there hoss. You got a song where you’re asking for divine intervention to “save” the matriarch of the family a country annoints to be rich and ceremonial and do nothing for all eternity and the American version is “straight retarded” in comparison? Seems like a bit of a stretch to me.
Did you just source a google books entry that catalogues every word ever used about baseball that cites a quote that BILLY — not even Cal — Ripken gave in 1996 as support???
maybe if you’d said “puts US ...” and made yourself part of the line, then they would have gotten it? I don’t know, probably not. But I liked it!
Because Uncle Teddy is always on social media because he's a tech guy, one of the original AOL guys. I'm pretty sure that's where the money to buy the Caps and Wizards from Abe Pollin came from. Why he took this shot I won't even guess at — not really his style. But holy smokes that was a brutal take down! — Caps fan!
I think this is the best answer. I spent about five years working on Native American issues in the 90s, so really only have a glimpse into this world. But that was enough to know that the name of a professional sports team or what their pudgy elvish billionaire owner thinks or says is maybe number 4,789,214 on the…
Good explanation. Thanks. But I thought all of this was common knowledge. Is not everyone watching Billions on Showtime?? Hmmm.
This is true. But he threw some no look spin on it and it went in as true as if he’d laid it in uncontested and seen it the whole way. I do this in my office all the time with empty water bottles. I throw them over my shoulder behind me to a can in the corner, no look, and act like they’re going in every time. About…
This was my first thought: I don’t always like my job but I’m pretty glad it doesn’t involve any storing, organizing and sometimes touching of 8-year old international athlete pee. So today’s going to be a pretty good day at work after all.
I have no rooting interest, but I’ll say this, dude knows how to 1) throw a punch and — possibly more important — 2) avoid getting hit himself! It’s almost like you’re criticizing him for the shove-punch-dodge combo. Kind seems like it works???
Yes, every ump who, in the bottom of the 9th inning of a tied ball game, perks up his ears and thins his skin to hear what a player in the dugout is saying should abso-fucking-lutely be fucked in the ear by a farm animal.
Not in front of the Vineyard Vines tent! Oh the humanity!
I’ve always wanted to do this. Ehhm, excuse me, Canada? Oh, sorryyy.
I guess you didn’t see the tough guy scowl in that still. See it now? Yeah, see that’s how you know he can ball.
First time watching a hockey game? That was John Carlson on the shot after the goal and it was a love tap. Carlson’s not exactly known as a heavy hitter. I’m not a fan of that stuff after a goal by any team at all, don’t get me wrong. But that was so gentle he did everything but get him a pillow to land on. If you’re…
Goddammit Japan. What are you even doing over there?
Are we sure he wasn’t just mad about all those doofy white hats the people were wearing? That could drive a man to this kind of rage, no?
This lady is what it would look like if Nick Nolte and Kathy Bates were merged into one human form. That then tried to talk sultry at you.