A River of Bourbon Runs Through It

That would be an interesting story to explore and tell. The Big 5 schools have a great history of basketball that goes back decades. But I think most people with no connection to those schools know very little or anything about it. And looking further at how those coaches and their protégées have fanned out through

Pat Chambers is a good dude who already had roots in philly basketball and recruiting there and I-95 corridor. He played college ball in Philly, was born in Radnor, PA near Villanova where he was an assistant to Jay Wright. Not surprised he’s doing well at Penn St and glad to see it.

So you’re saying in 19 days he’s a free agent again? Asking for a friend.

I have to ask a question that’s been bugging me — please forgive if this has been asked and I missed — is it typical for this sort of exam and picture session to be done street-side rather than, chrissakes, literally about anywhere else? Just seems odd, Mardigras-esque in its triage. Even with the measure tool dealio

It’s really just the one sentence that needs clarifying, and then, really how can you quibble with it? Here you go Jerruh, this one’s gratis, but if you like my work, we’ll have to work something out (pro tip, I don’t think you’ll like my work).

I watched this game last night, but am not a fan of either team. While it was entertaining, it was a lot of crappy plays and breakdowns and dribbler goals. I’m not sure if I’m a fan of either team I’m happy with this game. The first period, the Blues looked like they were still asleep it was so sloppy — and apparently

Technical question for the Soccerists: this knee slide thing I see all the time?? Rug burn, right?? Gotta be rug burn.

Why are you unpopular with the Chicago police department?


That is not entirely what the rule says. That is what one part of the rule says. Another part of the rule says:

I think I am actually familiar. Looks pretty clearly to be in the cylinder to me. I based that on the second look there, of the second video, where his bottom pinky of the release hand seems to nearly graze the rim on the and from there the ball travels in a forward trajectory a bit before being contacted, leaving me

The second one is goal tending.

You’re welcome.

That got a little gay at the end of that vine, didn’t it? Was I supposed to see that or not see that?

That’s the stuff of heroes right there. If lovin’ that is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!

You should definitely go to that house, knock on the door, and ask if they ever hear your deceased brother’s crying.

Which was actually a turn on for Rex. Because, feet.