
I think some of the backlash may be due to the fact that Bill Burr has a long history of maligning feminism in general. In an old bit he suggested that Michelle Obama isn’t qualified to give speeches and stated that the only reason she is liked is because she is a woman. He does with feminism what Chappelle does with

Google Images is a garden of earthly delights.

These three are so consistently messy online, it was only a matter of time before they collided into a supernova of drama. Loves it.

Jameela may have a different perspective if she ever gets pregnant.

This seems like something Kim would have wanted during pregnancy due to how uncomfortable she was the two times she carried her children. So, in that sense it’s in good faith. However, not all women need this or will benefit from this when pregnant. In terms of compression, if you need it for circulation, you want to

Have you ever been pregnant? Wearing tight (not compressive, but tight) leggings and undergarments has been the only way I feel comfortable during pregnancy. Kim K is far from the first to offer items like these bc there’s plenty of demand for them.

I would have worn the hell out of the pregnancy support wear when I was pregnant with twins. 

I think it’s hysterical that most of us admittedly don’t even watch their show but somehow we all know there’s a chubby brother who has a sock line somewhere.

I don’t know, I think that flipping a violation of your privacy into a multi-million dollar empire is pretty brilliant. 

Got it, so this is just a “SHE’S A SLUT!!!!!!!!” axe you’re grinding.

I’m not sure that I would call them grifters? There’s no bait-and-switch here. It wasn’t tee’d up as one type of show but then turned out to be another. They weren’t presented as experts in anything.

I mean, if she was worth her salt, she’d be parting them out for that sweet, sweet, Planned Parenthood fetus money. 

Um. Even those states nurses don’t just toss fetuses (chrome doesn’t auto-select fetuses btw) into an inicerator.

Wishing you good luck on your results. These first few years have been HARD but it is worth it (just wish COVID hadn’t hit us in the terrible threes). :) I’ve always been pro-choice but now, having actually had a baby, it’s nothing I would wish unwilling on my worst enemy (yes, not even Betsy DeVos).

The best part is that you know they thought this announcement was a huge flex, but now when anyone Googles their names among the top hits will be these articles about him being a cheater. 

Now playing

Semi-relatedly, somebody showed me a clip of Ellen interviewing Taylor Swift, and regardless of how you feel about Taylor...holy shit is this uncomfortable. Ellen just ignores her obvious discomfort and plows on with the “hilarious bit”:

He’s the Chief Fucking Asshole.

Or was it a signal to Puty? Enquiring minds want to know!

No, that’s people living in Stockholm.