
Yeah, to an extent fire suppression is what’s really getting us. Because we developed everywhere and feared fire, we started quashing natural fires that were important to the ecosystem/kept the fuel load down. We inadvertantly created far more dangerous conditions. Throw in the droughts and morons doing gender reveals

It’s fascinating to me that when white people start wearing something, it’s upscale and reminiscent of privilege, but when my grandmother wore the exact same garment at a fraction of the price, she was just an old lady wearing a house dress.


Exactly! I don’t understand why people are justifying her using a platform like TikTok to say that oh, well, she’s totally asking for this to be publicized so it’s really her fault. She’s a 15 year old using TikTok like every other teen. It’s no different than Millenials and Gen X writing about VERY public things on

“she’s asking for it” is a really good and intelligent comment to make on a blog that’s supposed to ostensibly be fairly feminist.

ok sure, she’s just a kid, she's not an equal participant, I take that back, and I’ll accept it if it turns out that it started out innocent enough but went out of hand and they’re regretting it now... but I still think they’re all knowingly playing it up for the cameras

She is 15.

I’d like to jump in on the tech train. I was helping male customers who were trying to get me to do some custom coding, something we did not do and they wanted something done in our software that couldn’t be achieved. They complained they wanted to speak to “Travis” bc he would help them out. I kept insisting that we

Yeah, when that negging backfires, it does so SPECTACULARLY.

Let me clarify, then.

No, there was no expansion on the enemas. Which I’m grateful for, because just that one sentence made me queasy. The thought alone is seriously disturbing. It’s something out of American Horror Story (literally, throw back to AHS season 3). How anyone could do something like that to their own flesh and blood is beyond

“this 3 hour tour” - sounds like you could rewrite the Gilligan’s Island theme song to fit your story. Your sad, sad story.

Copying my own comment again lol: Asian girl from a Buddhist family chiming in to say that this IS a bad idea, because it (a) is offensive to many in the West and (b) makes my religion into a cute accessory.

What does it matter that she lives in New York? 

Mr. are a patriot and a decent human being. You’re what really makes this country great.

These people keep sounding worse and worse to the point they are coming off as cartoonishly evil. Putting duct tape on his thumbs? Sticking him in a closet? Wtf? Thank God these assholes gave him up. He's better off without these freaks.

Accounts seem to vary about where Huxley is now, but he may be in the foster care system current. Not with a “forever family””

|The child internalizes it as a problem with them
*Can internalize it

Been there. Never thought it was my fault. Grew up, knowing how it feels, and took that as a life lesson of how I don’t want to treat others.

Reading this made me throw up in my mouth a little. What the fuck is it with these people?

They would also put Huxley to bed early while the other Stauffer kids would watch movies in bed with their parents.