
We allies all have something we can do to help and just blacking out your IG or reposting Obama’s speech on Facebook isn’t advancing the movement. My only skill is being an attorney so I’ve been making tiktoks of what to do if you’re arrested with my colleagues, donating to the bail out fund, and shutting up to listen

She gave me a hug and that’s all I needed in that moment. I’m not a picky person with my hair in general. Now my rules are: 1. No bangs, 2. Natural hair color, 3. Not darker than dirty blonde, 4. Long enough to put in a ponytail. I feel like most 4-5 stars on yelp stylists can manage to follow those instructions

In 2012 I agreed to be a hair model in a large, regional hair show. I wasn’t being compensated, just doing it as a favor, and was assured the stylist would listen to my requests. I had two: 1. Natural hair color (I was in law school and interning) and 2. No bangs (due to a cowlick that meant bangs always ended up

I was a child actor and my mom used all my earnings on herself, so there’s a bunch of media on me out there I never was rewarded for. There’s no legal recourse for me now but it definitely soured our relationship

Very interesting. Yeah I mentioned it up thread, but she’s only had him 2 years and he’s been missing from her social media for months. To formally relinquish custody to another permanent family would require a lot of time and paperwork, right? I don’t do family law, but helped my friend obtain guardianship of her

No, check out twitter, people are posting multiple pics. She put it on her YouTube 

I don’t know how Christian she is but she’s got 3 other kids so probably

We’ve dealt with infertility and did explore adoption. Two of the reasons we decided we didn’t want to adopt were 1. We didn’t think we were strong enough to be adoptive parents and deal with bio parents (with DNA sites, it’s nearly impossible to have a true closed adoption) and 2. It’s really expensive and time

That’s horrible. Wow

It’s important to note she knew he had special needs when she adopted him!

This is the first time I’ve ever emailed a brand (Glossier) and told them I will switch brands if they don’t publicly sever ties with her. Doubt it’ll do anything but maybe!

A few things to add color to the discussion:

Sounds like a great doctor! Btw I know everyone says it but they’ll try to get you to go up a size larger than you say you want. I resisted (and I’m ambivalent about it, would have been fine being a little bit larger than I chose) but did agree to let the doctor determine if one side needed a different size implant

Only good experiences here! No health problems or complications. I did not price shop since it was important for me to get quality and results (you can get them as low as $6k but mine were $9k all in, including follow up care). I did get the gummy textured teardrop implants after a long discussion with my surgeon

I think the bright line is: does the character need to be colored black to make their point? You want to dress like Chris Rock? You don’t need to make your skin black to do it. You want to make a Sketch about how stupid and racist Jimmy Fallon is? Blackface might be appropriate to make that point. I would watch the

Yeah I have breast implants and do preventative Botox so I am obviously pro-plastic surgery if it makes you happy, doesn’t put you in debt, and doesn’t harm others. But I thought the point was to look subtle and like you haven’t had work done, not go Michael Jackson.

Great point about the anonymity. I think the only real takeaway from her specific situation was that they were looking for someone flawed, desperate, and troubled, and she is just that. The court case didn’t help her overcome that

I think this is a point missed by the article, comments and popular culture: nominal plaintiffs are used and abused by the legal system. They need one because they have to have someone who has actually been harmed in order to push the agenda, but don’t do much to help the plaintiff deal with the fall out. Brown v

You’re right- museums generally could do social distancing and have more funding than classical performing arts. I guess in my mind I was thinking about all the niche museums with low funding. I used to live next to this amazing little History of the Black West Museum in denver that tells an important story but could

What’s he been doing? I’ll tell you what: he’s part of an odd crowd of people like Giuliana Rancic, Lauren Scruggs (influencer), Jason Kennedy, and Amy Havins (influencer) who spend all summer golfing at the chi chi Gozzer Ranch in Northern Idaho. He likes to get drunk, pee on trees, drink green juice and generally