
Mads Mikkelsen is amazing. As a Dane, I can attest that he is in basically every danish movie, the Shah Rukh Khan of Denmark. My favorite equally wacky gross movie he’s in is (in English) Flickering Lights. For a danish movie, it’s actually pretty tame, it’s not unusual for danish children’s movies to include death,

Agreed. I think there are some anecdotes of that working and proving that it can happen, but it’s sadly an aberration 

Oh man you remember the story of the guy who paid to hunt a rino and was raked over the coals for it? Such a sad story all around but proof of our flawed system

Happy to be of service! I missed a few doses and now is not a great time to miss them :)

You’re right, however that captive breeding program must pay its bills and this situation is proof that visitors = money.

Another supply chain issue I hope you’ll investigate and cover is I had trouble picking up my antidepressants the past few weeks. My state is completely out of them and I’ve had to drive to the pharmacy every few days as they restock to get a few more pills since they’re trying to make sure everyone has access. They

I agree with you, but you’re also not the person probably impacted by an increase in grocery prices. Fixed income folks who probably don’t spend much on things beyond groceries and bills are the ones suffering from this. Our food bank has stopped accepting food donations because of contamination concerns too which is

I understand what you mean about zoos being problematic, especially since they were started in an era of white supremacy/imperialism and haven’t always been great about giving animals good environments. But they do do a really important job in keeping species alive that we humans may otherwise have killed off into

A podcast I listen to floated the idea of online stores having clothing models for every size and that would totally make shopping fun again. If you could automatically see what everything looked like with your proportions it would make the whole experience fun

What’s the worst name you’ve ever seen? This is definitely the worst probably ever but I do know several white, non-Russian millennials named Stalin which seems bad

Whoa whoa whoa. What about Elizabeth Woodville? Or Isabella? Or Katherine Swynford? I think it’s super pase to have a bunch of Tudors but glad to see Matilda in- the fact that she became a Queen of England by literally being dragged out by her hair is some Housewives shit

It’s too bad, she’s a bastard of the goddess Teggy French, who also probably is republican but isn’t a crazy person like Sheridan 

I’ve noticed Gilt has started running J Crew sales. Also, hasn’t Nordstrom been carrying them for a while? I’d bet they transition more to that

I should be careful not to generalize either, you are right to caution that. I go to Asia for work constantly (all over- Myanmar, Thailand, India, Indonesia, China, Japan, Vietnam) and, in my experience, it’s not as bad as you probably experienced as you see more social mobility and so more naturally dark people are

Very interesting, but glad to hear you had a good experience because India is amazing. It was really hard to see how they treated us so disparately (as a blonde woman, I was treated as a celebrity, and they’d even physically push her aside more than once- which is ironic because now she’s a badass lawyer in Chicago

Just a reminder to anyone who read this and it resonated to them: video telehealth is available with therapists and they, like many specialty practices, have extra bandwidth right now to schedule you in quickly. If you can’t afford therapy and your insurance doesn’t cover it, most offer a sliding scale for self-pay.

Great point. You remind me of when I lived in India and my roommate was black and how openly mean people were to her because of her coloring. In 20 years, I don’t think the views on skin color have changed much in Asia (or here, or anywhere ugh)

Plus, a fashionable mask worn by a fashionable person can influence other people to wear face masks too. Here in MT where our state has reopened, a lot of people think that means no mask needed. Anything we can do to change herd behavior is good!

Great point. This article also fails to mention fashionable masks is not a new thing either. In China, there are designer face mask fashion shows. In Vietnam, where pollution can be horrible in places like Hanoi, even the poorest use their face masks as a way to express themselves. And in Thailand, fashion mega

Anyone who thinks Trump doesn’t have a chance already lives in a blue state. Those of you in obviously red states are too overwhelmed to take the pulse of the nation (I think of my Austin friends campaigning for Beto). We purple states are very concerned. The most likely winner of the gubernatorial race in my state?