
Oh my god, this is the worst! Like, did they forget what they’re doing? Was the finger cold and they just wanted a warm place to put it for a minute?

so I am not the only one?! Thank gd.

I think that this scene has, unfortunately, come into my head (lol pun kind of intended) every single time I’ve given a blow job.

Brazillian Bikini wax, every five weeks. Because I’m out of my mother fucking mind.

okay but that officer is hot tho right

I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not.

And you KNOW she has the best pot around. I’m willing to believe her joints are definitely not pregnant.

I always go into Target with a list of stuff that costs around $40 and leave with a bunch of crap spending $150:(

I find it amusing that someone would hold a sign saying “ A person is a person no matter how small” is probably not going to agree if that last word were to be changed to something like “poor” or “homeless” or whatever. I mean, these are the same folks who will foam at the mouth over a fetus that was unplanned,

+1 for using “whore pills”. It may be my absolute favorite expression ever.

Just sent:

Is it trying to be edgy though? Replace coke with weed and she’s basically every 20-something I know. Everyone in this thread seems super judgmental about the fact that she’s fucking lots of dudes without caring about them.

Here’s where I, usually a pretty tolerant agnostic when it comes to other people’s religious beliefs, really really fucking roll my eyes. If you’re so deep into believing that things like Adam & Eve and the resurrection actually happened, that those events seem plausible enough to you so that you’d unquestionably

He does have a cabin! Right next to my friends’ family cabin. It has a scary man cave full of dead animal trophies. A polar bear rug and shit. (So says my friend.) Apparently this guy is just a total douche and won’t let anyone hunt deer on his property during hunting season. The irony!!


Anyone else having conservative friends and family taking advantage of the situation and posting stuff equivalent to: “Its not ok to kill a lion but you can kill an unborn child?” So sick of nonequivalent comparisons. And its not like saying anything to them does anything but enrage them. blah. Poor Cecil.

"I have ever confidence they can absorb the legitimate healthcare needs of women for purposes we all agree on.”

We’re all very impressed that you don't know the names of any reality show cast members. I'm also so pleased that you lowered yourself to come here and share that with us. Honored, really.

He’s attractive, seems smart, is incredibly successful, and doesn’t take himself all that seriously. I WOULD SEX HIM IN A HEARTBEAT. On paper he’s better than 99.9999999% of all the other guys I’ve made the sex with (not including my hubby, of course!).

I HATE those things. And also the waiter’s corkscrew is the ONLY one I will use, but it MUST have the hinged arm, otherwise the leverage to get the cork out just isn’t there.